1.0.1 • Published 2 months ago

eslint-config-js-standards v1.0.1

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2 months ago

Shareable ESLint Configurations for Javascript


This documentation provides developers with a step-by-step guide on integrating shareable ESLint configuration eslint-config-js-standards for javascript rules in any front-end project. ESLint is a static code analysis tool for identifying and fixing common programming errors and enforcing coding standards.

The project is built and maintained by Covalience, LLC.


By running the following command, we are installing the latest version of eslint-config-js-standards and its dependencies:

 npm install --save-dev eslint  eslint-config-js-standards

Minimum dependencies version requirement:

The following are the minimum versions of the dependencies required to use eslint-config-js-standards:

  1. eslint >= 8.27.0

:warning: If your project is using older versions of the above dependencies. Please check the older versions of this package and follow its documentation.


Once the eslint-config-js-standards package is installed, you can use by specifying eslint-config-js-standards in the extends section in your ESLint configuration.

  1. Update .eslintrc.{js,yml,json,cjs} with the following:
- 'eslint:recommended',
+ 'eslint-config-js-standards'

ESLint Formatter (Optional)

ESLint comes with several built-in formatters to control the appearance of the linting results, and supports third-party formatters as well. For more details, please refer to here.

Following are the steps to setup html eslint formatter.

  1. Update package.json file with the following:
+ "lint:format":"eslint . --format=html --output-file=eslintReport.html"
  1. Run npm run lint:format in the terminal. This will generate a HTML file named eslintReport.html at the root directory of your project and while opening it, it will show all eslint errors and warnings found.

Example of ESLint Report in HTML:

ESLint Report

Additional Documentation