0.4.2 • Published 5 years ago

eslint-plugin-emmanuel v0.4.2

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Last release
5 years ago

eslint-plugin-emmanuel Build Status

My ESLint plugin


You'll first need to install ESLint:

$ npm i eslint --save-dev

Next, install eslint-plugin-emmanuel:

$ npm install eslint-plugin-emmanuel --save-dev

Note: If you installed ESLint globally (using the -g flag) then you must also install eslint-plugin-emmanuel globally.


Add emmanuel to the plugins section of your .eslintrc configuration file. You can omit the eslint-plugin- prefix:

    "plugins": [

Then configure the rules you want to use under the rules section.

    "rules": {
        "emmanuel/rule-name": 2

Supported Rules

  • Fill in provided rules here

When Not To Use It

If you want to use the Simplified CommonJS Wrapper format for your modules, you should not use this rule.

Key: :heavy_check_mark: = recommended, :wrench: = fixable

emmanuel/avoid-class-name-conflictavoid use a native name for a class name
emmanuel/avoid-infinite-loopdisallow easy infinite loop:heavy_check_mark:
emmanuel/avoid-typing-mistakeavoid typing mistake
emmanuel/bool-concordancecheck type concordance on boolean properties values
emmanuel/compare-regexuse fast-deep-equal package to compare regex expressions:wrench:
emmanuel/deterministic-stringifyprefer fast-json-stable-stringify package to native JSON.stringify():wrench:
emmanuel/math-shortcutuse Math constants:wrench:
emmanuel/max-lines-per-loopMax lines per a loop
emmanuel/negative-arrayavoid negative index on an array
emmanuel/no-commented-out-codeDetect commented code
emmanuel/no-divide-by-zeroNo divide by zero
emmanuel/no-double-negativeNo double negative:wrench:
emmanuel/no-duplicate-requireseslint-plugin-import offer a rule to report when a resolved path is imported more than once, but that doesn't work with require
emmanuel/no-empty-requiresFind require() or require(""):heavy_check_mark:
emmanuel/no-invalid-xpathCheck XPath expressions and avoid magic number:wrench:
emmanuel/no-nanDon't try to assign value to readonly items:wrench:
emmanuel/no-number-uselessuseless Number object constructor:wrench:
emmanuel/no-redefine-requireDetect if require() is redefine:heavy_check_mark:
emmanuel/no-reuse-function-nameNo reuse function name:wrench:
emmanuel/no-same-argumentsavoid arguments mistake, like same string arguments in a function call
emmanuel/no-similar-fn-paramsAvoid similar params names:heavy_check_mark:
emmanuel/no-special-numberprefer to use a standart Math constant:wrench:
emmanuel/no-useless-concatdisallow unnecessary concatenation of literals or template literals:heavy_check_mark::wrench:
emmanuel/no-very-large-arrayno very large array:wrench:
emmanuel/prefer-array-fillprefer Array.fill method to avoid mistake:wrench:
emmanuel/prefer-flatmapslow code, prefer flatMap method:heavy_check_mark::wrench:
emmanuel/securecontextcheck isSecureContext
emmanuel/simplify-regexsimplify regex:wrench: