0.0.3 • Published 8 years ago
eslint-plugin-env v0.0.3
Environment-based linting rules for ESLint
In your ESLint configuration:
plugins: [
'eslint-plugin-env' // 'env' shorthand also works
rules: {
'no-undef': 'off', // ensure the standard `no-undef` is off
'env/no-undef-env': ['error', {identifier: 'APP_ENV'}], // Optional, `APP_ENV` is the default value
env: {
// only allow globals that work in both node and browser
'shared-node-browser': true,
es6: true
In your Webpack configuration:
plugins: [
new webpack.DefinePlugin({APP_ENV: 'browser'}) // or 'node' for server webpack config
In your application code:
window; // lint error, undefined variable
__dirname; // lint error, undefined variable
if (APP_ENV === 'browser') {
window; // no lint error
if (APP_ENV === 'node') {
__dirname; // no lint error
In universal code (run in the browser and in node), a statically available environment variable should be used. In this case, minifiers (e.g. Uglify) can eliminate dead code. If the environment isn't static, then dead code can't be eliminated.
This lint rule allows ensures browser and node globals are only defined within a corresponding static environment check conditional.