0.12.2 • Published 16 days ago

eslint-plugin-package-json v0.12.2

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Last release
16 days ago


This package requires ESLint 8 and jsonc-eslint-parser:

npm install eslint eslint-plugin-package-json jsonc-eslint-parser --save-dev


Flat Config

This plugin's recommended configuration enables its rules on **/package.json files, parsing them with jsonc-eslint-parser:

In your ESLint configuration file:

import packageJson from "eslint-plugin-package-json/configs/recommended";

export default [
	// your other ESLint configurations

If you want to override the recommended rules:

import packageJson from "eslint-plugin-package-json/configs/recommended";

export default [
	// your other ESLint configurations
		rules: {
			"package-json/valid-package-def": "off",

See ESLint's Configuration Files guide for details on how to customize your rules and other config settings.

Legacy Config

Add an override to your ESLint configuration file that specifies this plugin, jsonc-eslint-parser, and its recommended rules for your package.json file:

module.exports = {
	overrides: [
			extends: ["plugin:package-json/recommended"],
			files: ["package.json"],
			parser: "jsonc-eslint-parser",
			plugins: ["package-json"],

You may also want to individually configure rules. See ESLint's Configure Rules guide for details on how to customize your rules.

module.exports = {
	overrides: [
			extends: ["plugin:package-json/recommended"],
			files: ["package.json"],
			parser: "jsonc-eslint-parser",
			plugins: ["package-json"],
			rules: {
				"package-json/valid-package-def": "error",

Usage Alongside Prettier

prettier-plugin-packagejson is a Prettier plugin that enforces the same package.json keys ordering as the order-properties and sort-collections rules with default options. We recommend using both the Prettier plugin and eslint-plugin-package-json's recommended configuration. The default settings don't conflict, and Prettier plugins can quickly fix up ordering in your editor on save and/or as a Git hook.

Supported Rules

💼 Configurations enabled in.\ ✅ Set in the recommended configuration.\ 🔧 Automatically fixable by the --fix CLI option.\ 💡 Manually fixable by editor suggestions.

Name                      Description💼🔧💡
order-propertiesPackage properties must be declared in standard order🔧
repository-shorthandEnforce either object or shorthand declaration for repository.🔧
sort-collectionsDependencies, scripts, and configuration values must be declared in alphabetical order.🔧
unique-dependenciesEnforce that if repository directory is specified, it matches the path to the package.json file💡
valid-local-dependencyChecks existence of local dependencies in the package.json
valid-nameEnforce that package names are valid npm package names
valid-package-defEnforce that package.json has all properties required by the npm spec
valid-repository-directoryEnforce that if repository directory is specified, it matches the path to the package.json file💡
valid-versionEnforce that package versions are valid semver specifiers

These rules only run on package.json files; they will ignore all other files being linted. They can lint package.json files at project root and in any subfolder of the project, making this plugin great for monorepos.



Many thanks to @zetlen for creating the initial version and core infrastructure of this package! 💖

💙 This package was templated with create-typescript-app.