1.1.2 • Published 1 year ago

eslint-plugin-rtl-test-attributes v1.1.2

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Last release
1 year ago


npm version GitHub repository

Custom ESLint rules for React Testing Library to enforce best practices and encourage the use of semantic elements over data-testid attributes.


npm install --save-dev eslint-plugin-rtl-test-attributes


npm i -D eslint-plugin-rtl-test-attributes


Add the plugin to your ESLint configuration file (e.g., .eslintrc.js):

module.exports = {
  plugins: ['rtl-test-attributes'],
  rules: {
    'eslint-plugin-rtl-test-attributes/avoid-data-testid': 'error',



This rule discourages the use of data-testid attributes in JSX code, as it adds unnecessary attributes to the production output HTML. The data-testid attribute is primarily intended for unit testing purposes and should not be present in the final production code unless absolutely necessary.This encourages the use of semantic elements, ARIA attributes or elements that are easily accessible and can be caught by the Testing Library API.

Non semantic elements without any accesibility-friendly attributes are hard to query by Testing Library API. Few examples of preferred alternatives for using data-testid attribute:

  • Use semantic elements like <button>, <input>, <select>, <hr>
  • Use elements with built-in accessibility attributes such as <label>, <fieldset>, <legend>
  • Use ARIA attributes like aria-label, aria-labelledby, aria-describedby, etc., to provide accessibility information.

Incorrect Usage

<div data-testid="button-element" onClick={onButtonClick}>...</div>
<p data-testid="title-element" className="title">...</p>
<div data-testid="horizontal-rule-element" className="horizontal-rule" />

Correct Usage

<button onClick={onButtonClick}>...</button> // <button> element implicit ARIA role: "button"
<h1 className="title">...</h1> // <h1> element implicit ARIA role: "header"
<hr className="horizontal-rule"/> // <hr> element implicit ARIA role: "separator"

<label for="my-input">Name:</label>
<input id="my-input" type="text" />