1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

esse3_cli v1.0.0

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Last release
7 years ago


This project help developers on the process of plugin creations. The entire creation has been simplified using a interactive CLI on creation, building and distribution steps.

How do I get set up?


Before using the CLI tool it is necessary to satisfy the following dependencies

  • install nodejs

  • install docker

  • create a docker hub account

  • login to docker with your account


It is possible to install the CLI tool for plugin management with the following shell command:

sudo npm install -g esse3_cli

The CLI tool implements three main functionalities:

  • create a new plugin, generating the scaffold folder

    esse3_cli plugin create
  • build a plugin, generating zip file and docker image

    esse3_cli plugin build
  • distribute a plugin, pushing zip file and docker image

    esse3_cli plugin push

All commands have been automatized as much as possible and will be improved over time.

NB: the zip file HAVE TO be uploaded manually to the platform by a admin user, through the GUI or REST API.