0.0.4 • Published 2 years ago

estree-walkie v0.0.4

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2 years ago


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Walks a JavaScript AST compatible with ESTree.

  • ESM, CJS and UMD modules offering an API for programmatic usage in Node.js, Deno and web browser.
  • Ignores keys pointing to the parent node. (Often cause of stack overflows.)
  • Includes TypeScript types.
  • No dependencies.
  • Tiny size - 926 B minified, 435 B gzipped, 390 B brotlied.
  • Blazingly fast.


import { parse } from 'meriyah'
import { walk } from 'estree-walkie'

const program = parse('...', { module: true, next: true })
const identifiers = []

walk(program, {
  Identifier(node) {


Exported methods:

walk(node, visitor, fallback, state)
walkAtOffset(node, offset, visitor, fallback, state)
walkAtPosition(node, line, column, visitor, fallback, state)
walkInRange(node, start, end, visitor, fallback, state)
walkBetweenLines(node, first, last, visitor, fallback, state)


  • node - AST node to start walking with
  • visitor - object with visiting handlers named by node types
  • fallback - handler for nodes not matched by the visitor (optional)
  • state - custom value passed to each handler (optional)
  • offset - source code character offset to walk the AST around
  • start and ens - source code character range to walk the AST within
  • line and column - source code position to walk the AST around
  • first and last - source code line range to walk the AST within

Visiting handler:

handler(node, state, parent) => boolean?
{ enter?: handler, exit?: handler }
  • node - currently visited AST node
  • state - custom value passed to the walking method (optional)
  • node - parent of the currently visited AST node

If an object with enter and/or exit methods is used as a visiting handler, enter will be caled before visiting children and exit after visiting children of the current node.

If a handler retuns false children of the current node will not be visited.

Walking can be interrupted by throwing an error and ignoring the thrown type in error handling.


Collect only identifiers used in the outer scope:

import { parse } from 'meriyah'
import { walk } from 'estree-walkie'

const program = parse('...', { module: true, next: true })
const identifiers = []

const avoid = () => false
walk(program, {
  FunctionDeclaration: avoid,
  ClassDeclaration: avoid,
  CallExpression: avoid,
  FunctionExpression: avoid,
  ArrowFunctionExpression: avoid,
  Identifier(node) {

Collect variables declared at all scopes and assign node.parent to all nodes:

import { parse } from 'meriyah'
import { walk } from 'estree-walkie'

const program = parse('...', { module: true, next: true, loc: true })
const variables = []

const assignParent = (node, parent) => node.parent = parent
walk(astRoot, line, column, {
  VariableDeclarator(node, state, parent) {
    if (node.type !== 'Identifier') {
      throw new Error(`unsupported declarator at ${node.loc.start.line}:${node.loc.start.column + 1}`)
    assignParent(node, parent)
}, (node, _state, parent) => assignParent(node, parent), variables)

Check if there is an identifier at a specific position and remember its parent:

import { parse } from 'meriyah'
import { walk } from 'estree-walkie'

const program = parse('...', { module: true, next: true, loc: true })
let identified

try {
  walkAtLocation(astRoot, line, column, {
    Identifier(node, _state, parent) {
      identified = parent
      throw 0
} catch (err) {
  if (typeof err !== 'number') throw err

Node.js usage

Make sure that you use Node.js >= 8.3. Install the estree-walkie package locally using your favourite package manager:

npm i estree-walkie
pnpm i estree-walkie
yarn add estree-walkie

Either import methods from the API using the CJS module:

const { walk, walkAtOffset, walkAtPosition, walkInRange, walkBetweenLines } = require('estree-walkie')

Or import methods from the API using the ESM module:

import { walk, walkAtOffset, walkAtPosition, walkInRange, walkBetweenLines } from 'estree-walkie'

Browser usage

You can either compile this module to your application bundle, or load it directly to the browser. For the former, you would install this package and import methods from the API in the same way as for the Node.js usage. For the latter, you would either refer to the module installed locally, or to the module from the UNPKG CDN, for example:


The following modules are available in the dist directory:

index.cjsCJS module, not minified
index.mjsESM module, not minified
index.min.mjsESM module, minified
index.umd.jsUMD module, not minified
index.umd.min.jsUMD module, minified

Either import methods from the API using the ESM module:

<script type=module>
  import { walk, walkAtOffset, walkAtPosition, walkInRange, walkBetweenLines }
    from 'https://unpkg.com/estree-walkie@0.0.1/dist/index.min.mjs'

Or import methods from the API using the UMD module, which will set a global object estree-walkie:

<script src=https://unpkg.com/estree-walkie@0.0.1/dist/index.umd.min.js></script>
  (() => {
    const { walk, walkAtOffset, walkAtPosition, walkInRange, walkBetweenLines } = estreeWalkie

If an AMD module loader is detected, the UMD module will return exports es expected:

    ({ walk, walkAtOffset, walkAtPosition, walkInRange, walkBetweenLines }) => {


Comparison with other libraries, which allow visiting AST nodes by their types:

$ cd bench && pnpm i && node walk

  ✔ @babel/traverse (46,955 identifiers)
  ✔ estree-walker (46,955 identifiers)
  ✔ estree-walk (46,955 identifiers)
  ✔ estree-visitor (46,955 identifiers)
  ✘ acorn-walk (26,662 identifiers)
  ✔ ast-types (46,955 identifiers)
  ✔ astray (46,955 identifiers)
  ✔ estree-walkie (46,955 identifiers)

  @babel/traverse x 8.18 ops/sec ±7.00% (25 runs sampled)
  estree-walker   x 95.59 ops/sec ±2.63% (69 runs sampled)
  estree-walk     x 46.53 ops/sec ±1.57% (60 runs sampled)
  estree-visitor  x 61.86 ops/sec ±1.87% (64 runs sampled)
  acorn-walk      x 78.81 ops/sec ±0.92% (68 runs sampled)
  ast-types       x 3.65 ops/sec ±8.24% (14 runs sampled)
  astray          x 98.37 ops/sec ±0.93% (72 runs sampled)
  estree-walkie   x 131 ops/sec ±0.99% (76 runs sampled)


In lieu of a formal styleguide, take care to maintain the existing coding style. Add unit tests for any new or changed functionality. Lint and test your code using npm test.


Copyright (c) 2022 Ferdinand Prantl

Licensed under the MIT license.