0.5.4-alpha.0 โ€ข Published 2 years ago

ethential v0.5.4-alpha.0

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Last release
2 years ago

Why you should replace Ethers.js and web3

  • ๐Ÿ†๏ธ smallest code size possible
  • สฆ Fully typed with TypeScript (also works with JavaScript)
  • ๐Ÿงช Tested to match both web3 and ethers
    • โšก๏ธ Near-identical API to ethers
  • ๐ŸŒฒ Tree-shaking and no side-effects
  • ๐Ÿ™Œ Supports multiple JS versions (CommonJS and ESM)
    • โœ… Node 17, 16, 14, & 12
    • โœ… Web

๐Ÿงช tests codecov npm.io npm.io npm.io


npm install --save essential-eth # TypeScript types load automatically

# or if you prefer yarn
yarn add essential-eth # TypeScript types load automatically

Utils (do not require connecting to an Eth node)

import { etherToWei } from 'essential-eth';

// or in a non-import environment
const { etherToWei } = require('essential-eth');
  • The return-type TinyBig is just Big but expands scientific notation on toNumber() and toString()


// convert ether to wei
etherToWei(etherQuantity: string | number | TinyBig | Big): TinyBig
import { etherToWei } from 'essential-eth';

// "1000000000000000000"

// 1000000000000000000

// 1000000000000000000


// convert wei to ether
weiToEther(weiQuantity: string | number | TinyBig | Big): TinyBig
import { weiToEther } from 'essential-eth';

// "1"

// 1
// 1


gweiToEther(gweiQuantity: string | number | TinyBig | Big): TinyBig
import { gweiToEther } from 'essential-eth';

// "1"

// 1
// 1


etherToGwei(etherQuantity: string | number | TinyBig | Big): TinyBig
import { etherToGwei } from 'essential-eth';

// "1"

// 1
// 1


// return proper mixed-case address
// does not support ICAP addresses
toChecksumAddress(address: string): string
import { toChecksumAddress } from 'essential-eth';

// "0xc0DEAF6bD3F0c6574a6a625EF2F22f62A5150EAB"


// returns boolean as to whether input is a valid address
// does not support ENS nor ICAP
isAddress(address: string): boolean
import { isAddress } from 'essential-eth';

// true

// false

// Does NOT support ENS.
// false


// returns a hex string padded to a specified length of bytes
// if the hex value provided is already longer than the padding value, the value itself is returned without alteration
hexZeroPad(hexValue: string | number, length: number): string
import { hexZeroPad } from 'essential-eth';

hexZeroPad('0x60', 2);
// '0x0060'

hexZeroPad(0x60, 3);
// '0x000060'

// Length of string is already longer than padding value
hexZeroPad('0x31323334', 3);
// Throws error


import { JsonRpcProvider } from 'essential-eth';
const essentialEth = new JsonRpcProvider(
  'RPC URL HERE' /* Try POKT or Infura */,
// OR for very quick testing (limited to 10,000 requests)
const essentialEth = new JsonRpcProvider();
import { FallthroughProvider } from 'essential-eth';

// The FallthroughProvider handles falling through to the next valid URL.
// It's dynamic to never trust one URL again when it fails * until it has tried all other provided URLs
// The default timeout for a request is 8 seconds after which it moves to the next URL
const provider = new FallthroughProvider([

getTransactionCount(address, blockTag?): Promise<number>


Returns the current gas price in gwei

// Same as ethers.providers.getGasPrice
getGasPrice(): Promise<TinyBig>
import { JsonRpcProvider } from 'essential-eth';

const provider = new JsonRpcProvider('https://free-eth-node.com/api/eth');


Returns the balance of an address at a given block

// Same API as ethers.providers.getBalance
// Same API as web3.eth.getBalance
getBalance(address: string, blockTag?: BlockTag): Promise<TinyBig>
import { JsonRpcProvider } from 'essential-eth';

const provider = new JsonRpcProvider();
await provider
  .then((balance) => console.log(balance.toString()));
// "28798127851528138"


Returns a Network

// Same API as ethers.providers.getNetwork
getNetwork(): Promise<Network>
import { JsonRpcProvider } from 'essential-eth';

const maticProvider = new JsonRpcProvider(
{ chainId: 137, name: 'MATIC', ensAddress: null }

const xdaiProvider = new JsonRpcProvider('https://free-eth-node.com/api/xdai');
{ chainId: 100, name: 'xdai', ensAddress: null } }


Returns a Block

// Same API as web3.eth.getBlock
getBlock(timeFrame: number | "latest" | "earliest" | "pending", returnTransactionObjects?: boolean): Promise<Block>
import { JsonRpcProvider } from 'essential-eth';
const essentialEth = new JsonRpcProvider();

        number: 4232826,
        hash: '0x93211a1cd17e154b183565ec685254a03f844a8e34824a46ce1bdd6753dcb669',
        parentHash: '0x1b32bfcba1bb2a57f56e166a3bb06875a1978992999dfc8828397b4c1526f472',
        sha3Uncles: '0x0fb399c67bb5a071ec8a22549223215ab76b7d4009941c9c37aa3c3936010463',
        logsBloom: '0x00000000000000000000101000000000020000000000000000000000000000000000400000010000000000000000000000000000010000000008800000000800000000200000000000000000000000000000000000000000000002000000000000000000000000000040000000000040000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000001000000000004000000000010000000000000000020000000000000000200100020000000000000000080000000000080001000000000000000000001040000000000000000008000000020010100000000200000100000000000000000000000002000000080000000020400000000002000200000000000',
        transactionsRoot: '0xc43b3f13e1fe810e34d3a26ffe465b72c7063a5c70a02de2c78e91e4d10bd9fb',
        stateRoot: '0x04d7bc816537ea7ef3a16e76c9879d29f34f99d4154273c2e98e012a31bad745',
        receiptsRoot: '0x89c6f781ceac0bd49c4d9aa9115df4a5d4dd0e0220ff7668012f15bc04222c6b',
        miner: '0x31fe561eb2c628cD32Ec52573D7c4b7E4C278Bfa',
        difficulty: '1300907486001755331049',
        totalDifficulty: '5989929395521171616186006183',
        extraData: '0xce018c495249532d62613031656132',
        size: 5416,
        gasLimit: 6800000,
        gasUsed: 202955,
        timestamp: 1649884910,
        transactions: [
        uncles: [
        minimumGasPrice: '0x387ee40',
        bitcoinMergedMiningHeader: '0x04000020e8567ed3d2480e15a1dd1b4335e4732ae343c037e4fd03000000000000000000ed10a8340d163d3e813bdd430f902f4e5a56828dc62313b2e23797c0be6b8516eb3e576297d8091735884f42',
        bitcoinMergedMiningCoinbaseTransaction: '0x0000000000000140e910128fda7bac502dc5e0573bbaf12de8e2524f70c22f7bd160dedcb19a2521002b6a2952534b424c4f434b3ae493303f597fa368c0ccc4f8aceabf1c315bb7c9a07605c073a89f260040967aace6a7d9',
        bitcoinMergedMiningMerkleProof: '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',
        hashForMergedMining: '0xe493303f597fa368c0ccc4f8aceabf1c315bb7c9a07605c073a89f260040967a',
        paidFees: '0xc0744dcb7a0',
        cumulativeDifficulty: '0x1190930db285269e582'


Returns the Transaction associated with a given hash

// Similar to ethers.provider.getTransaction, formatting may differ
getTransaction(hash: string): Promise<Transaction>
import { JsonRpcProvider } from 'essential-eth';
const essentialEth = new JsonRpcProvider();
await provider.getTransaction(

      accessList: [],
      blockHash: '0x876810a013dbcd140f6fd6048c1dc33abbb901f1f96b394c2fa63aef3cb40b5d',
      blockNumber: 14578286,
      chainId: 1,
      from: '0xdfD9dE5f6FA60BD70636c0900752E93a6144AEd4',
      gas: Big {
        s: 1,
        e: 5,
        c: [ 1, 1, 2, 1, 6, 3 ],
        constructor: <ref *1> [Function: Big] {
          DP: 20,
          RM: 1,
          NE: -7,
          PE: 21,
          strict: false,
          roundDown: 0,
          roundHalfUp: 1,
          roundHalfEven: 2,
          roundUp: 3,
          Big: [Circular *1],
          default: [Circular *1]
      gasPrice: Big {
        s: 1,
        e: 10,
        c: [
          4, 8, 5, 9, 2,
          4, 2, 6, 8, 5,
        constructor: <ref *1> [Function: Big] {
          DP: 20,
          RM: 1,
          NE: -7,
          PE: 21,
          strict: false,
          roundDown: 0,
          roundHalfUp: 1,
          roundHalfEven: 2,
          roundUp: 3,
          Big: [Circular *1],
          default: [Circular *1]
      hash: '0x9014ae6ef92464338355a79e5150e542ff9a83e2323318b21f40d6a3e65b4789',
      input: '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',
      maxFeePerGas: Big {
        s: 1,
        e: 10,
        c: [
          6, 7, 6, 8, 1,
          2, 6, 1, 6, 1,
        constructor: <ref *1> [Function: Big] {
          DP: 20,
          RM: 1,
          NE: -7,
          PE: 21,
          strict: false,
          roundDown: 0,
          roundHalfUp: 1,
          roundHalfEven: 2,
          roundUp: 3,
          Big: [Circular *1],
          default: [Circular *1]
      maxPriorityFeePerGas: Big {
        s: 1,
        e: 9,
        c: [ 1, 5 ],
        constructor: <ref *1> [Function: Big] {
          DP: 20,
          RM: 1,
          NE: -7,
          PE: 21,
          strict: false,
          roundDown: 0,
          roundHalfUp: 1,
          roundHalfEven: 2,
          roundUp: 3,
          Big: [Circular *1],
          default: [Circular *1]
      nonce: 129,
      r: '0x59a7c15b12c18cd68d6c440963d959bff3e73831ffc938e75ecad07f7ee43fbc',
      s: '0x1ebaf05f0d9273b16c2a7748b150a79d22533a8cd74552611cbe620fee3dcf1c',
      to: '0x39B72d136ba3e4ceF35F48CD09587ffaB754DD8B',
      transactionIndex: 29,
      type: 2,
      v: 0,
      value: Big {
        s: 1,
        e: 0,
        c: [ 0 ],
        constructor: <ref *1> [Function: Big] {
          DP: 20,
          RM: 1,
          NE: -7,
          PE: 21,
          strict: false,
          roundDown: 0,
          roundHalfUp: 1,
          roundHalfEven: 2,
          roundUp: 3,
          Big: [Circular *1],
          default: [Circular *1]
      confirmations: 1210


โš ๏ธ Only read functions are currently supported. โš ๏ธ

  • ๐Ÿงช This is highly experimental, do not use this in production yet. (even though earni.fi does)

Encoding support:

  • bool
  • bytes
  • address

Decoding support:

  • bool
  • address
  • uint256
  • bytes32
  • uint8

Assume any smart-contract method outside the above types will break

import { Contract, jsonRpcProvider, JSONABI } from 'essential-eth';
// UNI airdrop contract
const contractAddress = '0x090D4613473dEE047c3f2706764f49E0821D256e';
const provider = jsonRpcProvider(/* RPC URL optional */);

const abi: JSONABI = [
    inputs: [
        internalType: 'uint256',
        name: 'index',
        type: 'uint256',
    name: 'isClaimed',
    outputs: [
        internalType: 'bool',
        name: '',
        type: 'bool',
    stateMutability: 'view',
    type: 'function',

const contract = new Contract(contractAddress, abi, provider);

(async () => {
  // prints boolean as to whether index 0 has claimed airdrop or not
  console.log(await contract.isClaimed(0));


Any function on a contract. Returns are the same as ethers.js, except that instead of BigNumber, essential-eth always returns a TinyBig

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More Info

๐Ÿงช This repo is under active development. The API is less-fully featured than web3 and ethers. More functions added often!

๐Ÿ‘จ๐Ÿปโ€๐Ÿ’ป Breaking changes will exist between minor versions until 1.0.0 (Versions go major.minor.patch)