1.1.0 • Published 4 years ago

etherless v1.1.0

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Last release
4 years ago


In this readme there are all the instruction for the final user of our product.


  • nodejs v12.13.0 or above installed on your computer.

Cli Installation and usage

  • open a terminal window and type sudo npm install -g etherless (if you are on Windows you need to don't type sudo and open the terminal window as administrator);
  • type etherless get_help to see the guide to the use of our platform, enjoy!

Guide to platform commands

Here we will explain the usage of every command and the general purpose of Etherless. Etherless is a platform designed in interaction with Ethereum and AWS Services, in specific Etherless use Ethereum for handling payments and parameters transfer from client to server, and AWS Services for the concrete executions of user's requests.

Free commands

These are the free commands available in the platform, you don't need an associated Ethereum wallet to run them:

  • etherless init: Allows the user to associate a payment method to the platform by either creating a new ETH wallet or associating an existing one. The wallet will let the user access all paid services;
  • etherless list [-h]: Lists all functions available in the platform with their respective description, usage and price. With the -h flag, the command lists all unavailable functions;
  • etherless search <keyword>: Lists all available functions on the platform matching the keyword specified with the description of the functions;
  • etherless createConfig: Creates a JSON file in Download folder with empty parameters to configure the deploy of a function:
    • funcName: the name of the function;
    • description: the description of the function;
    • timeout: the maximum execution time of the function;
    • owner: the address of the developer;
    • fee: the amount of money earned for every successful execution;
    • path: the relative path in which the function will be run.

Wallet-requiring command

These commands are still free to execute, but they need an associated Ethereum wallet in order to work:

  • etherless logout: Allows the user to remove the previously associated payment method;
  • etherless delete <functionName>: Allows the developer to delete a function available on the platform (you need to own that funcion in order to delete it);
  • etherless list -o: Lists all functions owned by the user in the platform with their respective description, usage and price.

Payment commands

These commands require the user to have an associated Ethereum wallet, without a minimum amount of empty balance, in order to work:

  • etherless deploy <funcName>: Allows the developer to deploy a function to the platform with its source code and a configuration file for the meta data. You need a <funcName.zip> (containing the source code file and extra modules if needed) and a <funcName.json> (with the same properties of the etherless createConfig file) in the same directory you are invoking the command to make it work correctly;
  • etherless run <funcName> [parameters]: Allows the user to execute a function available on the platform specifying all needed parameters.

Developer reference