1.0.8 • Published 3 years ago

event-iterable v1.0.8

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3 years ago


const { EventIterable } = require( "eventIterable" );
import { EventIterable } from "eventIterable";

EventIterable is a wrapper for EventEmitter, creating an AsyncIterable of the requested events which the user can, in an async context, iterate through using a for await ... of statement. When being iterated over, EventIterable produces objects of type: { eventName:string|symbol, value:any } where eventName is one of the eventNames provided in the wrap function.

EventIterable.wrap( eventEmitter, eventNames, signal )

  • eventEmitter <EventEmitter> the event emitter being wrapped
  • eventNames <string> | <symbol> | <(string|symbol)[]> the event names to be captured
  • signal <AbortSignal> optional signal from an AbortController to signal the EventIterable to stop as an alternative to eventIterable.stop()
  • Returns <EventIterable>


The stop function causes the EventIterable to stop handling events and exit its generator function.


An example of using event-iterable to wrap an EventEmitter and use it as an AsyncIterable. The EventEmitter in this example alternates between two types of messages, "tick" and "tock" accompanied by a date object, which are emitted at a variable, random interval between 0 and 2 seconds. The example also shows how to use an AbortController (provided by the node-abort-controller package) to stop it, the non-controller version is simply the .stop() method.

const { EventEmitter } = require( "events" );

const { AbortController } = require( "node-abort-controller" );

const { EventIterable } = require( "event-iterable" );

class TimerEventEmitter extends EventEmitter {

    #tick = false;
    #timeout = undefined;

    constructor() {

    ticktock() {
        this.#tick = !this.#tick;
        this.emit( this.#tick?"tick":"tock", new Date() );
        this.#timeout = setTimeout( this.ticktock.bind( this ), Math.random()*2000 );

    stop() {
        clearTimeout( this.#timeout );

( async function main():Promise<void> {
    const eventEmitter = new TimerEventEmitter();
    // eventEmitter.on( "tick", console.log );
    // eventEmitter.on( "tock", console.log );

    // After 10 seconds, we'll abort using the Abort Controller
    const abortController = new AbortController();
    setTimeout( () => abortController.abort(), 10000 );

    const iterable = EventIterable.wrap( eventEmitter, ["tick", "tock"], abortController.signal );
    for await ( const event of iterable ) {
        console.log( event );
} )();