0.5.0 • Published 3 years ago

eventbuzz v0.5.0

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3 years ago


A tiny event-sourcing framework.


  • Eventbuzz is a store for events. Every event has the following properties:
    • src: The source of the event.
    • event: The event's name.
    • timestamp: The Unix timestamp in milliseconds when the event occurred.
    • payload: An object attached to the event.
  • Events are created by an event source. Every event source writes to eventstore stating its name, which is referred to the event's src property, the event's name event and a payload. The timestamp is added by Eventbuzz.
  • Events are consumed by an event sink. The event sink holds a state which is mutated with every incoming event. An event sink may listens to more than one event source.


const {openEventstore} = require('eventbuzz');
openEventstore(dir[, opts]).then((eventstore) => {...});

Opens an eventstore located in the directory dir. eventstore is an instance of Eventstore. opts is and optional object with the following properties:

  • checkpoint: An object or a factory function returning an object. Every item holds a checkpoint function, that checks the payload of every emitted event. It may throw an Error or returns the payload that is written into the event store. The factory function gets access to the Eventstore's sink() method. Cf. the example down below. Please note: The factory function is called upon the first opened source and may be called multiple times.
  • rejectUnspecifiedEvents: Boolean. Default: false. If set to true, every emitted event without a dedicated check function will be rejected.
  • customTypes: Array of classes. Default: []. If one of the state instances makes use of the given classes, the class type won't disappear when reading back from cache. If the class implements fromObject(obj) and toObject(), resp. static fromObject(obj) and static toObject(instance), the class data can be packed and unpacked with custom methods. Cf. the description of MyState for further details.

An example for the checkpoint property:

	checkpoint: ({sink}) => ({ // sink() can be used to trace past events
		'srcA': {
			'eventA': (payload) => {
				// synchronous check if payload contains the property id
				assert(payload.id, 'Payload must have the property id');
				return payload;
			'eventB': async (payload) => {
				// asynchronous generation of an id
				payload.id = await genNewId();
				return payload;
		'srcB': {
			'eventA': (payload) => {...},

Class: Eventstore

Method: source()

eventstore.source(src).then((source) => { ... });

Opens the event stream for the event source src with write access. source is an instance of Source.

Method: sink()

eventstore.sink(opts).then((source) => { ... });

Listens to the event streams of one or many event sources. sink is an instance of Sink. opts is an object with the following properties:

  • init: A function returning a freshly initialized state: () => new MyState(). MyState is a class which may implement the following methods:
    • static getSchemaVersion(): Returns a version number for the schema of the sink. This ensures that a cached state must be invalidized. Default: return undefined;.
    • toObject(): Returns an object that represents the current state. Default: return this;
    • fromObject(obj): Restores the state from obj. Default: Object.assign(this, obj);
  • handler: An Object indicating which sources and which events to listen to. (See the example down below for further information.)
  • observer: A function that is called in every sink's state (include the initial, resp. cached): (state) => {...}. May return a promise to throttle event processing.
  • storeInterval: An interval in milliseconds. If the state changes, it will be cached on disk after the given time. Default: 2000.
  • name: Sink name considered for finding the right cache.

An example for the handler property:

	handler: {
		'srcA': {
			'eventA': (state, {timestamp, src, event, payload}) => {...},
			'eventB': (state, {timestamp, src, event, payload}) => {...}
		'srcB': {
			'eventA': (state, {timestamp, src, event, payload}) => {...},

This configuration will listen to the event sources 'srcA' and 'srcB'. For every event, the sink is interested in, an event handler is installed: (state, {timestamp, src, event, payload}) => {...}. This handler should modify state. Events will fire ordered by their timestamp. (Exception: if two different event sources fire at the same time, i.e. the event's timestamps are close to each other, the strict order is not guaranteed.)

Class: Source

Method: emit()

source.emit(event[, payload]).then((payload) => {...});

Stores an event with the name event. The optional payload is stored along with the event. Returns a promise that is resolved once the event has been written into the store.

Method: close()

source.close().then(() => {...});

Closes the event stream. Resolves once it has been closed.

Class: Sink

Property: state

An object containing the current state.

Event: change

sink.on('change', (state, {timestamp, src, event, payload}) => {...});

Fired after an event changed the sink's state.

Event: cached

sink.on('cached', () => {...});

Fired after an the state has been written to disk.

Event: error

sink.on('error', (err) => {...});

Fired if one of the event handlers or observer throw an error.


This is a hand counter that can be controlled by signals sent to the process.


Listens to signals sent to the process:

  • SIGUSR1 increments the count
  • SIGUSR2 decrements the count
const {openEventstore} = require('eventbuzz');

openEventstore('events').then(async (eventstore) => {
	const source = await eventstore.source('transactions');

	// Listen for signals
	process.on('SIGUSR1', () => source.emit('inc', 1));
	process.on('SIGUSR2', () => source.emit('dec', 1));
	console.log(`Increment: kill -USR1 ${process.pid}`);
	console.log(`Decrement: kill -USR2 ${process.pid}`);

	// NOOP interval to keep the process running
	const interval = setInterval(() => {}, 100000);
	process.on('SIGINT', () => {


const {openEventstore} = require('eventbuzz');

class Counter {
	static getSchemaVersion () { return 1; }
	constructor () { this.counter = 0; }
	inc (cnt) { this.counter += cnt; }
	dec (cnt) { this.counter -= cnt; }
	getCounter () { return this.counter; }

openEventstore('events').then(async (eventstore) => {
	const sink = await eventstore.sink({
		init: () => new Counter(),
		handler: {
			'transactions': {
				'inc': (state, {payload}) => state.inc(payload),
				'dec': (state, {payload}) => state.dec(payload)
	sink.on('change', (state) => console.log('New counter value:', state.getCounter()));
	process.on('SIGINT', () => sink.close());
	console.log(`Get current count: kill -USR1 ${process.pid}`);
	process.on('SIGUSR1', () => console.log('Current counter value:', sink.state.getCounter()));

3 years ago


3 years ago


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4 years ago