1.1.2 • Published 5 years ago

evo-tf v1.1.2

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Last release
5 years ago


evo-tf allows for easy neuro-evolution in the browser using tensorflow.js This project is not 100% finished and has some areas I still need to touch up on. But you can expect it to be ready within the next couple days, possibly the 17th. There will also be some examples on how to use the library, I plan to implement it into Flappy Bird, Atari Breakout, Space Invaders and many more.

  • basic mutation
    • advanced mutation
    • Q learning
    • examples
    • crossover
    • graphs of realtime results


You will need to include evo-tf as well as tensorflow.js

<script src="https://unpkg.com/evo-tf/net.js"></script>

<script src="https://cdnjs.cloudflare.com/ajax/libs/tensorflow/1.1.2/tf.min.js"></script>


const evoConfig = {
  inputs: 2,
  hidden:[{neurons:8,activation:'relu'}, {neurons:8, activation:'relu'}],
  output:{neurons:2, activation:'softmax'}

function getState(){
  let playerPosition = document.getElementById('player').position
  let opponentPosition = document.getElementById('opponent').position
  return [playerPosition, opponentPosition]

function makeMove(outputs){
    // Have the player do something
    // Have the player do something else

  // Check if the player is still alive
  let alive = true
  return alive

(async () => {
 await explore(100);
 await evolve(1000);


evoConfig is a required object containing the attributes of all neural networks that evo-tf will create. Inputs will simply be the number of inputs you will give the network. Hidden will be an array of objects which each contain the amount of neurons that layer will be given along with the activation function used. A list of the available activation functions and an explanation as to which ones you should use can be found here. Output is an object defining the output layer. Just like the hidden layers, you will define the number of neurons as well as the activation function.


getState() needs to be defined in order to let the agents get their current environment state (inputs). In the example above getState() gets the players position off of the DOM as well as the opponents position and then returns them in an array. These values should be numbers between 0 and 1 and need to be returned in an array. In order to get your inputs in between 0 and 1 it is common practice to divide all inputs by the highest possible value for that input. The amount of values returned from this function should match the number of inputs specified in evoConfig. You will never have to call getState(), it will be automatically called when exploring and evolving.


makeMove() needs to be defined in order to execute upon the predicted move. In the example above there are 2 outputs, therefore the length of the outputs array given to makeMove will be 2. This is used for classification. In our example if outputs0 is greater than outputs1 then make a move such as turn left, if outputs1 is greater than outputs0 then make a move such as turn right. If you have more than 2 outputs, the same principles apply, the highest value in the array decides the move. You will never have to call makeMove(), this will automatically be called when exploring and evolving. Once you have made an action based on the outputs return a boolean with true if the player is still alive and flase if the player has died.


Explore will create neural networks with the structure you defined in evoConfig and give the network random weights. This random network will then get the state (inputs) using getState() and then make a decision upon that state (outputs) and make a move using makeMove(). This will be repeated for the amount of epochs you specify. The purpose of explore is to find a network that does slightly better than the others. The network with the highest score will then be used as a base model to provide a template for the networks being created within evolve() to mutate off of. Every time a network gets a new highscore it replace the base model currently being used.


Evolve make a clone of the network that has done the best so far (previously referred to as the base model) and mutate the weights in order to make a slightly different network. This network will then take in the current state (inputs) using the getState() function and make a move using makeMove() based on the prediction from the current state. The goal is to get a network that performs better than the base model and replace the base model and constantly evolve that base model. This repeat for the specified amount of epochs. If no amount of epochs is specified it will run indefinitely.

Activation Functions

The available activation functions are 'elu', 'hardSigmoid', 'linear', 'relu', 'relu6', 'selu', 'sigmoid', 'softmax', 'softplus', 'softsign' and 'tanh'. For most situations it is recommended that you use 'relu' for the hidden layers and for the output if you are solving a classification problem (turn left || turn right) (red || blue) use the 'softmax' activation function. For a more detailed explanation on which activation functions you should use watch Saraj Raval's video Which Activation Function Should I Use?.




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