0.0.7 • Published 8 years ago

evt-xtrm v0.0.7

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Last release
8 years ago


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Install evt-xtrm module

$ npm install evt-xtrm --save

Create your database

You can use a local database or external such as mlab.com.

Local MongoDB

  1. Install mongodb https://docs.mongodb.com/v3.0/administration/install-on-linux/
  2. create db user
$ mongo evt-xtrm-db --eval 'db.createUser({user: "test", pwd: "test", roles: [ { role: "readWrite", db: "config" } ]});'

External MongoDB

Just export your connection url to environment

$ export MONGO_URL=[your mongodb url]

Set up your server

server = require('evt-xtrm')({
	passport: {
		enable: true,
		permissionSecurity: true,
		secret: [your secret for passport],
		facebook: {
			enable: truem
			AppID: [app id], //Option could be set in environment
			AppSecret: [app secret] //Optional could be set in environment
		baseUrl: [Base url] //Optional is localhost by default.
// then use your server!

Environment variables

Here is a list of environment variables you could set

$ export PORT=[Port to listen on]
$ export FACEBOOK_APPSECRET=[AppSecret]

How to obtain facebook App ID and Secret

Create a new app on https://developers.facebook.com/. Remember to set on your Site URL(http://localhost:10010 for dev)

How to contribute

$ git clone https://github.com/Eskalol/evt-xtrm.git
$ cd evt-xtrm
$ npm install -g swagger
$ npm install

Run swagger and swagger browser:

$ swagger project start
$ swagger project edit

Check the issue tracker.


  1. When playing with swagger it's recomended to use these settings:
	passport: {
		enable: true,
		permissionSecurity: false,

Rest of the settings is optional. The reason why permissionSecurity should be set to false is because we are using a custom middleware which is not integrated with swagger. This is just a temporary solution and will be fixed when swagger implement cookie session auth.