ews-simple v0.3.0
This package is build on top of ews-javascript-api and makes performing EWS operations easier.
This builder should allow you to configure EWS service with the specified url and auth data.
Supported methods: 1. withVersion (value: ClientVersion) - configures ews version (default value is ClientVersion.Exchange2013) 2. withUser (value: string) - configures ews user name 3. withPwd (value: string) - configures user pwd 4. withUri (value: string) - configures ews server uri 5. withToken (value: string) - configures user authorization token
const service = new ClientBuilder()
.withUser(`<EWS username>`)
.withPwd(`<EWS user pwd>`)
This builder should allow you to return search results using the specified input folder and query string.
Supported methods: 1. withService (value: ews.ExchangeService) - allow set ews service to be linked to 2. withFolder (value: FolderEnum) - allow to set ews folder to be looked into 3. withTakeN (value: number) - allow to set the amount(default 1000) of items to be returned 4. withOffset (value: number) - allow to set offset 5. withOffsetBasePoint (value: 'start' | 'end') - allow to set base point(default start) 6. withQueryString (value: string) - allow to set query string for search 7. withMarkAsRead (value: boolean) - allow to set whether to mark letter as read or not 8. withDelete (value: boolean) - allow to set whether do delete letter after read 9. withGetRaw (value: boolean) - allow to set wherther to return raw items or parse them 10. withSaveAttachments (value: boolean) - allow to set whether to download attachments or not 11. withDownloadsFolder (value: string) - allow to set downloads folder for attachments(default is downloads) 12. withRawBody (value: boolean)- allow to set whether to return raw body or parse it before return
Read (get Subject, Body and Received Date) 10 unread mails from Inbox
const items = await new FindItemsResultBuilder()
Read (keep them raw) 10 read mails from Favorites
const items = await new FindItemsResultBuilder()
This builder should allow you to send a email with the specified data.
- withService (value: ews.ExchangeService) - allow set ews service to be linked to
- withSubject (value: string) - allow to set message subject
- withBodyType (value: 'text' | 'htm;') - allow to set message body content type (default text)
- withBody (value: string) - allow to set message body content
- withTo (value: string[]) - allow to set a list of To recepients
- withСс (value: string[]) - allow to set a list of Сс recepients
- withFileAttachment (value: string) - allow to set path to file attachment
Send email
await new EmailMessageBuilder()
.withSubject(<mail subject>)
.withBody(<mail body>)
.withTo(<recepients list>)
Send email with file attachment
await new EmailMessageBuilder()
.withSubject(<mail subject>)
.withBody(<mail body>)
.withTo(<recepients list>)
.withFileAttachment(<file name>)