1.0.1 • Published 8 months ago

exists-validator v1.0.1

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8 months ago

My First Package! ❤️


This npm package provides a decorator function Exists that can be used to validate if a value exists in the database. It uses the class-validator library and the Prisma ORM.


To install this package, run the following command:

npm install exists-validator


To use the Exists decorator, import it from the package and apply it to the property you want to validate. For example:

import { Exists } from "exists-validator";

class User {
  @Exists("User", "email", {
    // ...
  email: string;

In this example, the email property of the User class is validated to ensure that it exists in the User model's email field.

The Exists decorator takes three parameters:

  • model: The name of the Prisma model to validate against.
  • field: The name of the field in the model to validate against.
  • validationOptions (optional): Additional validation options to pass to the registerDecorator function.


The PrismaService class provides access to the Prisma ORM. To use it, import it from the package and create a new instance:

import { PrismaService } from "exists-validator";

const prisma = new PrismaService();

The PrismaService class has a getClient method that returns a Prisma client instance:

const client = prisma.getClient();


If you find a bug or have a feature request, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. Pull requests are also welcome.


This package is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for details.


8 months ago


8 months ago