1.0.4 • Published 5 years ago
expansion-pack v1.0.4
Adding some useful (and others not so useful) functions to javascript's objects.
It started as a challenge to implement some functions to the javascript Array and now we're implementing stuff all around. The only rule is to implement them as prototypes (this is an expansion pack after all). Accepting sugestions ans bits of code!
npm install expansion-pack
Some ways to use it:
var ExpansionPack = require("expansion-pack");
// array functions
let arr = [0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 0];
console.log('bubbleSort', arr.bubbleSort());
console.log('shuffle', arr.shuffle());
console.log('sum', arr.sum());
console.log('getRandom', arr.getRandom());
console.log('remove', arr.remove());
console.log('clone', arr.clone());
console.log('unique', arr.unique());
console.log('max', arr.max());
console.log('min', arr.min());
console.log('average', arr.avg());
console.log('clear', arr.clear());
// number functions
// string functions
let str = 'Uma opção alternativa ao café é o pó de guaraná.';
let thisCouldBeBad = 'This¢£«±÷could&*()\/<>be!@#$%^bad';
console.log('squeeze', str.squeeze());
console.log('removeSymbols', thisCouldBeBad.removeSymbols());
console.log('truncate', str.truncate());
console.log('anagram', str.anagram());
console.log('reverse', str.reverse());
console.log('alphabeticalOrder', str.alphabeticalOrder());
console.log('removeDiacritics', str.removeDiacritics());