1.0.1 • Published 1 year ago

experior v1.0.1

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1 year ago

Experior 1.0.1

Experior title

A minimalist but powerful and language-agnostic unit and regression test tool.

"Experior" is a Latin verb meaning "to put to the test". It is the root of the English words "experiment", "experience", and "expert".


Experior doesn't care what language your test program is written in. All it cares about is that each test's output begins and ends with a simple line of JSON. Your test program can validate its own output, in which case Experior just acts as a report engine. Alternatively -- or additionally -- you can write validation functions in JavaScript, and Experior will run them against the test output. Finally, Experior can compare your current test output against a copy of previous test output and alert you to regressions.

Full details are below, including s demo to serve as an example.


If you're not interested in poking around with the source, the easiest thing to do is to just use npm to install the Node.js module:

$ npm install experior --global

Command-Line Usage

         Experior v1.0.1 -- Minimalist Unit/Regression Test Tool

  Usage: experior [options]

    -i, --infile        <filename(s)>  Path to input file(s).
    -o, --outfile       <filename(s)>  Output file names.
    -r, --regression    <filename>     Regression test input file.
    -R, --full-regress                 Create and use full regression data.
    -j, --jstest        <filename>     JavaScript test module.
    -c, --css           <filename>     CSS file to use with HTML output.
    -l, --long                         Use long report format.
    -w, --width         <number>       Set width for text descriptions.
    -m, --msgprefix     <string>       Experior message prefix.
    -f, --failures                     Only show failures in reports.
    -v, --verbose                      Increase verbosity (1-4).
    -q, --quiet                        Suppress console output.
    -d, --debug                        Display debugging info.
    -h, --help                         Display this text.

When performing tests, there are two mandatory switches, --infile and --outfile.

i, --infile: Specifies one or more input files containing test data. As with the other switches that take multiple arguments, you can place arguments after a single instance of a switch or use the switch multiple times, e.g.

$ experior -i foo.dat bar.dat         # is equivalent to...
$ experior -i foo.dat -i bar.dat

-o, --outfile: Specifies one or more output files whose format is determined by their file extensions. The supported extensions are .txt, .html, .csv, and .json. Additionally, you can use the special names console and ansi to send output to the screen. The console report is plain text, while the ansi report uses snazzy colors.

-r, --regression: Specifies a JSON file generated by a previous known-good run to compare with the current run to detect regressions.

-R, --full-regress: If this flag is provided, the JSON output includes the contents of the test output to use in generating diffs which are displayed along with regressions in the HTML version of the reports.

-j, --jstest: Specifies the name of a JavaScript module containing tests to run against the test data. See the JavaScript Tests section below for details.

-c, --css: HTML reports have their own embedded CSS stylesheet, but if you want to replace it with your own, use -c to provide a URL for an external stylesheet.

-l, --long: Activates the long report format which includes detailed test descriptions.

-w, --width: For .txt, console, and ansi formats, sets the width of the description column. The default is 40 characters.

-m, --msgprefix: Sets an alternate message prefix for test metadata. See the Test File Format section for details.

-f, --failures: If used, only failed tests will appear in the reports.

-v, --verbose: Increases the verbosity of informational output at the console. May be used up to four times.

-q, --quiet: Turns on quiet mode, suppressing all unnecessary console output.

-d, --debug: Turns on debugging output.

-d, --help: Displays the usage summary above.

Test File Format

Test files consist of test output beginning and ending with specially-marked messages to Experior. These messages begin with a standard prefix at the beginning of the line. The default prefix is @EXPERIOR:, but you can choose your own with the --msgprefix command line switch. The prefix is followed by a JSON string containing the test parameters.

The message at the beginning of each test looks like this:

@EXPERIOR: {"type":"begin","id":"TestOne","cat":"testdata","label":"A 100% successful test","desc":"This is to test total success.","jsTest":"hasNoAlpha"}

And yes, it does have to be on one line, but let's look at a more human-readable version of the JSON data:

    type: 'begin',
    id: 'TestOne',
    cat: 'testdata',
    label: 'A 100% successful test',
    desc: 'This is to test total success.',
    jsTest: 'hasNoAlpha'

The type attribute can have one of two values, 'begin' or 'end'; at the beginning of a test block, it will obviously be 'begin'. The id attribute supplies a unique identifier for the test. You can group tests by supplying a category name in the cat attribute. (Report results are sorted by category and then identifier.) The label attribute is a short, human readable title for the test which appears on all reports. The desc attribute can be used for a more detailed description which only appears on the long version of reports. Finally, the optional jsTest attribute is either a string naming a JavaScript test function or an array of test function names.

Everything after the begin message is test output until the closing end message, which looks like this:

@EXPERIOR: {"type":"end","id":"TestOne","success":true }

Aside from type, which is end this time, and id, which is a repeat of the test identifier, the only other attribute is success, which contains a boolean indicating whether the test succeeded or not.

And that's it. If you can get your test program to crank that out, you're ready to go.

Output Formats


console output

ANSI console

MS-DOS survivors, represent!

ansi console output


If you don't care for the default appearance, Experior will let you substitute your own CSS stylesheet with the --css switch.

html output


The only thing less interesting than CSV files is anything one could think to say about them.

Test,JTST,Reg.,Category,"Test ID",Label,"Test Description"
ok,ok,ok,testdata,TestFour,"A 100% successful test","This is to test total success."
FAIL,ok,ok,testdata,TestOne,"Some even numbers","This is a bunch of even numbers."
ok,FAIL,ok,testdata,TestThree,"Some negative numbers","This is a bunch of negative numbers."
ok,ok,FAIL,testdata,TestTwo,"Some odd numbers","This is a bunch of odd numbers."

"Total Tests:",4,100.0%
"JS Failed:",1,25.0%


JSON output is produced as a single line. We've reformatted it here to make it more readable.

{ TestOne:
   { id: 'TestOne',
     cat: 'testdata',
     label: 'Some even numbers',
     desc: 'This is a bunch of even numbers.',
     success: false,
     hash: '7dd9d0507fa51a36dd01ccca9b767a44',
     size: 27,
     jsSuccess: true,
     regression: false },
   { id: 'TestTwo',
     cat: 'testdata',
     label: 'Some odd numbers',
      'This is a bunch of odd numbers.',
     success: true,
     hash: '3a3643bc0e3783a8478f5f0febfd5fde',
     size: 29,
     jsSuccess: true,
     regression: true },
   { id: 'TestThree',
     cat: 'testdata',
     label: 'Some negative numbers',
     desc: 'This is a bunch of negative numbers.',
     success: true,
     hash: '8aac0526c764d1d27d4ea51c74e5e783',
     size: 120,
     jsSuccess: false,
     regression: false },
   { id: 'TestFour',
     cat: 'testdata',
     label: 'A 100% successful test',
     desc: 'This is to test total success.',
     success: true,
     hash: '9f62cbf5dad6e929a72071a409aec202',
     size: 30,
     jsSuccess: true } }

If the --full-regress option is enabled, this will include testOutput and, when a regression is detected, a diff element.

Regression Tests

Regression tests are fundamentally simple. Your tests produce enough output to thoroughly exercise the code under test, and when you have a successful test, you use Experior to output a summary as a JSON file and save it for future use.

The JSON test summary contains an MD5 hash of the test output, so when you re-run your tests to produce a new input file, you can use the -r or --regression switch to reload your old test summary. Experior will then compare the old MD5 hashes to the new ones and flag tests with regressions in the reports.

If the --full-regress switch is used, the full contents of the test data will be included, enabling the production of diffs in the report.

JavaScript Tests

Experior expects you to write your own tests however you want. You could be writing a C++ program to exercise a library written in C. You could be using a scripting language with one of those stupid(frameworks).with(pseudoEnglish).chained(syntax). Like the honey badger, Experior don't care. You do your tests, write the output to a file, and you can write a bunch of tests in high-level JavaScript to sift through output from an assembly language program as easily as output from another JavaScript program.

To do this, you write your tests as functions that reside as keys in an object exported by a Node.js module. Once referenced on the commandline with the --jstest switch, Experior will require your module and apply the tests where directed by the optional jsTest attribute in the beginning-of-test header, which contains either a single function name or an array of function names.

The functions all take the same arguments:

function(cat, testId, data)

...where cat is the category name from the cat attribute in the header, testId is from the id attribute, and data contains all of the lines from the actual test data packed together as a string with embedded newlines. The function does whatever it's going to do and then returns true on success or false on failure.

The module file might look like this:

var tests = {
	foo: function(cat, testId, data) { /* mumble mumble */ },
	bar: function(cat, testId, data) { /* mumble mumble */ },
	baz: function(cat, testId, data) { /* mumble mumble */ },

module.exports = tests;

Given the above, you can fire off a single test in the header like this:

...,"jsTest":"foo" }

Or you can fire off several by supplying an array:

...,"jsTest":["foo","bar","baz"] }

Failed JavaScript tests are reported separately from both regressions and the test results stored in the success element in the header.

Usage Example

If you clone the source repository, you'll find the example files in the /examples subdirectory. It includes the obscurely named test_program.js which runs a decently wide range of simple tests on a crappy array implementation, CrappyArray.js. An example JavaScript post-test is provided in jstests.js. Finally, there is a set of regression data in regression_data.json.

To get started, go to the /examples subdirectory and run the test program:

$ cd examples
$ node test_program.js

This will produce an output file called test_output.txt. Take some time to read over test_program.js and its comments, and see how it relates to the test output file.

Now we'll fire up Experior and generate the full set of reports:

$ experior -i test_output.txt -r regression_data.json -R -j jstests.js -l -o ansi test_report.txt test_report.csv test_report.html test_report.json

This will produce a colorful onscreen report (the ansi in the list of outputs) and four output files named test_report.txt, test_report.csv, test_report.json, and test_report.html. Open test_report.html in your browser to see the results.

You'll note that last first test fails and includes a diff with the JSON output from a hypothetical previous run, regression_data.json. This is actually identical to the test_report.json file you just generated, minus some changes I made to the first test's output to simulate a regression. The -R switch is required if you want the detailed diff. Without it, Experior just stores a hash of the test data, which is enough to detect regressions if you don't need or want the diff.


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