1.1.5 • Published 3 years ago

expo-bare-template v1.1.5

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Last release
3 years ago

Expo Template

supports iOS supports Android supports web npm-badge

Bare minimum Expo template to kickstart a React Native app with following features:

  • Expo SDK 42.x.x
  • React Navigation v6
    • ⚠️ React Navigation v6 library is an upcoming version.
    • Based on Stack and Tab navigators
  • Reusable components to get started with:
    • Button
    • IconButton
    • Input
  • Define and switch between theme modes
  • Asyncstorage to persist theme value
  • ESlint and Prettier configured


With Expo CLI:

expo init -t expo-bare-template

With create-react-native-app:

npx create-react-native-app -t https://github.com/amandeepmittal/react-native-examples/tree/master/expo-template

Commands to trigger an instance of the app in local development mode:

  • yarn ios -- open on iOS
  • yarn android -- open on Android
  • yarn web -- open in the web browser


  • On mobile simulator:

  • On web:

File Structure

Expo Template
├── assets ➡️ All static assets
├── components ➡️ All re-suable UI components for screens
│   └── Button.js ➡️ Button component
│   └── Input.js ➡️ TextInput component
│   └── IconButton.js ➡️ Button with icon only component, support different variants from @expo/vector-icons
├── constants ➡️ Color and theme values
│   └── colors.js ➡️ Contain pre-defined color values
│   └── theme.js ➡️ Contain pre-defined custom themes
├── contexts ➡️ Collection of Providers
│   └── ThemeProver.js ➡️ Provider to change theme and persist it with Asyncstorage
├── hooks ➡️ Collection of custom hooks
│   └── useAppearance.js ➡️ Provides access to the theme object across screens
├── navigation
│   └── HomeStack.js ➡️ Routes such as Home & Detail screen
│   └── MainTabs.js ➡️ Routes such as HomeStack & Demo screen
│   └── RootNavigator.js ➡️ Routes wrapped by NavigationContainer
├── screens
│   └── DemoScreen.js ➡️ Screen that hows a little demo of reusable components
│   └── HomeScreen.js ➡️ Home screen
│   └── DetailScreen.js ➡️ Detail screen
│   └── SettingScreen.js ➡️ Screen that allows to switch theme
├── App.js ➡️ Entry Point for Mobile apps
├── app.json ➡️ Expo config file
└── babel.config.js ➡️ Babel config (should be using `babel-preset-expo`)
