expo-raygun-sourcemaps v1.0.4
Post publish hook to upload expo sourcemaps to raygun
once installed and published sourcemaps can be found https://app.raygun.com/settings//jssymbols
This will overwrite sourcemaps with the same version number in raygun. If you have 1.1.1 and publish 1.1.1 again with new code the sourcemaps may be off. Make sure you bump your patch versions. Also any sourcemap with a version that does not match /\d+\.\d+\.\d+/
will be written as -dev
to support CI/CD pipleline dev versioning
Working out some kins with the guys at raygun. So this is not fully operational at the moment. use at your own risk.
yarn add expo-raygun-sourcemaps
Add the following to your app.json
or wherever the expo manifist is for your project
"extra": {
"normalizedUrl": <pick a url: example.com>
"hooks": {
"postPublish": [
"file": "expo-raygun-sourcemaps",
"config": {
"uploadToken": <Raygun Upload token: found in raygun user accounts >,
"appId": <Raygun App ID>
You will need to modify the payload sent to raygun. We do this with a function that is exported from the package.
add the following to where you initialize rg4js
import { normalize } from 'expo-raygun-sourcemaps/normalize';
import { Platform } from 'react-native';
import Constants from 'expo-constants';
const { manifest } = Constants;
const { OS } = Platform;
rg4js('onBeforeSend', (payload) => normalize(modifiedPayload)(manifest)(OS)
- cleanup on .tmp files
- add s3 upload