2.0.8 • Published 1 month ago

expo-theme-switcher v2.0.8

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Last release
1 month ago


npm version License

This is package help to handle theme toggle in bigger react native(expo) app, And it provide simple way to apply dark and light in all components


npm install expo-theme-switcher


yarn add expo-theme-switcher

Import statement

import { ThemeProvider, ThemeSwitcherBtn, useTheme } from 'expo-theme-switcher';

How to use it:

    // In App.js
    // setup part...

    import { ThemeProvider, ThemeSwitcherBtn, useTheme } from 'expo-theme-switcher';

    export default function App() {

        // light theme colors
        const lightTheme = {
            primaryBackgroundColor: "white",
            secondaryBackgroundColor: "#c7c7c7",
            primaryTextColor: "#000",
            secondaryTextColor: "",
            primaryBorderColor: "black",
            secondaryBorderColor: "gray",

        // dark theme colors
        const darkTheme = {
            primaryBackgroundColor: "#111",
            secondaryBackgroundColor: "#333",
            primaryTextColor: "#fff",
            secondaryTextColor: "#cccccc",
            primaryBorderColor: "white",
            secondaryBorderColor: "gray",

        return (
            <ThemeProvider light={lightTheme} dark={darkTheme}>
                <Homepage /> // another component
                <ThemeSwitcherBtn /> // toggle button
    // In Homepage.tsx

    import { useTheme } from 'expo-theme-switcher'

    const Homepage = () => {
    const { currentTheme } = useTheme() // currentTheme is a object

    // console.log("currentTheme : ", currentTheme) // currentTheme :  {"isDarkMode": false, "primaryBackgroundColor": "white", "primaryTextColor": "#000", "secondaryBackgroundColor": "#ccc", "secondaryTextColor": "#4d4d4d"}

    return (
        <View style={{backgroundColor: currentTheme.primaryBackgroundColor}}>
            <Text style={{color: currentTheme.primaryTextColor}} >Homepage</Text>
            <Text style={{color: currentTheme.primaryTextColor}}>Homepage</Text>

export default Homepage

🤝 Contributing

Contributions, issues and feature requests are welcome!Feel free to check issues page.

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