0.1.0 • Published 10 years ago

express-api v0.1.0

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Last release
10 years ago


Express-api is an API framework based on Swagger.

Express-api uses CSON, JSON or YAML files to expose your apis using the eapiger specs. Express-eapi reloads schemas in development facilitating schema creation.

DO NOT USE, WIP! Documentation is inaccurate.


Install the library

npm install express-api

Create resource listings schema and resource schema files in a common directory, eg public/api/docs. Here are the official examples

Implement your resource API. NOTE, the name of your resoure methods must match the nickname property in the schema operations

//// pet.json
apis: [{
  path: "/pet/{petId}",
  operations: [{
    summary: "Find pet by ID",
    nickname: "getPetById",
//// resource/pet.js
exports.getPetById = function(req, res) {

Wire it all up

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var Swag = require('express-eapi');

// create routers for API and docs
var apiRouter = express.Router();
var docsRouter = epxress.Router();
app.use('/api', apiRouter);
app.use('/api/api-docs', docsRouter);

var eapi = new Swag({
  apiRouter: apiRouter,
  docsRouter: docsRouter,
  docsDir: 'public/api/docs',
  extname: '.json'

  .addApi('pet.json', require('./resources/pet.js'))
  .addApi('user.json', require('./resources/user.js'))
  .configureDocs('index.json', 'http://localhost:8000/api');


Browser your json schemas at http://localhost:3000/api/api-docs or through the eapiger UI.


The primary reason for creating express-api is the lack of support for plain middleware in other frameworks.

The implementation method can either be a function or array of functions.

exports.getPetById = function(req, res, next) { ... };

exports.getPetById = [
  validationMiddleware({ body: {id: joi.integer()}}),
  function(req, res, next) { ... };

That can be a bit tedious. Express-api can use middleware as plugins. Let's create one.

function validate(req, res, next) {
  // get the spec for the current operation
  var spec = req.__eapiger.operation;
  var params = spec.parameters;
  params.forEach(function(param) {
    if (param.required && param.paramType === 'path')  {
      if (!req.params[param.name]) res.send(400, 'Require argument missing' + param.name);


To use it

  .addApi('pet.json', require('./resources/pet.js'))

The position matters. All middleware used before addApi are applied before a operation method in the pipeline. Post filters look like this.

  .addApi('pet.json', require('./resources/pet.js'))