1.2.0 • Published 7 years ago

express-crumb v1.2.0

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Last release
7 years ago


A simple breadcrumb generator for Express applications.


npm install express-crumb


First, require the module in your main .js file (app.js for example)

var Crumb = require('express-crumb')

Then an instance of express-crumb needs to be created

var crumb = new Crumb()

Now you need to use the getRoutes() function to get all of the GET routes of your application. This needs to be added after you have declared your routes, and mounted any router modules.

app.get("/", function(req, res, next){
  // do some stuff

app.use("/foo", foo)
app.use("/bar", bar)


To generate the breadcrumb, you can do the following:


This will generate a breadcrumb on all requests made on the server.

Or, if you want to use it on a specific route, you can add it to the middleware stack when declaring a route, like so:

app.get("/blog/post/123456", crumb.generateCrumbs(options), function(req, res, next){
  // do stuff

Mounted Router Modules

If you are using a mounted router module, you can pass the instance of express-crumb when you require the module.

var blog = require('./routes/foo')(crumb)

then in your router:

module.exports = function(crumb){
  var express = require('express')
  var router = express.Router()

  router.get("/bar", crumb.generateCrumbs(options), function(req, res, next){
    // do stuff

  return router;

Generated Labels

One minor issue that you may find is the generated labels. This module will replace any - and _ and replace them with spaces. Then each word is capitalized. For example:

"/foo-bar"  // -> Foo Bar
"/fooBar"   // -> FooBar


There are currently 6 options that can be altered to your liking. These options are passed as an object to the generateCrumbs() function. For example:

  includeNonRoutes: true


OptionDescriptionDefault Value
includeHomeIncludes a clickable link to the home page (assumed at '/')true
homeLabelThe label that should be displayed if includeHome is enabled 1"Home"
includeNonRoutesInclude routes that are present in the path, but do not exist in the application 2false
linkLastCrumbMake the last link in the crumb - the page you are on - clickablefalse
includeSeparatorsInclude separators - as separate li elements - into the markuptrue
separatorLabelThe label used in the separators 1"-"
  1. HTML is supported, meaning html-based icons, like FortAwesome or Glyphicon, can be used.

  2. For example, if you have a route like: /foo/bar/baz, but only have routes linking to /foo and /foo/bar/baz, and you leave includeNonRoutes as its default value, the breadcrumb will look something like: Home - Foo - Baz. Whereas, if you set includeNonRoutes to true you will get: Home - Foo - Bar - Baz, and Bar will not be clickable.


generateCrumbs() will store the breadcrumbs in a <ul><li> structure in res.locals.crumbs variable; making it accessible in the template files. Below is the generated markup and some examples of how inject it into your template.

<!-- Crumbs with includeSeparators as FALSE -->
<ul class='crumbs'>
  <li class='crumb'><a href='/'>Home</a></li>
  <li class='crumb'><a href='/tutorials'>Tutorials</a></li>
  <li class='crumb'><a href='/tutorials/javascript'>Javascript</a></li>
  <li class='crumb'>Create Breadcrumbs For Express</li>
<!-- Crumbs with includeSeparators as TRUE -->
<ul class='crumbs'>
  <li class='crumb'><a href='/'>Home</a></li>
  <li class='separator'>-</li>
  <li class='crumb'><a href='/tutorials'>Tutorials</a></li>
  <li class='separator'>-</li>
  <li class='crumb'><a href='/tutorials/javascript'>Javascript</a></li>
  <li class='separator'>-</li>
  <li class='crumb'>Create Breadcrumbs For Express</li>

Using Jade/Pug


Using EJS

<%- crumbs %>

Using Handlebars



  • 1.1.0
    • Added support for separators in the generated markup
  • 1.0.1
    • Initial Release