4.16.7 • Published 3 years ago

express-generator-esmodules v4.16.7

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Last release
3 years ago

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A generator for Express' which is updated to use ES Modules.

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Quick Start

The quickest way to get started with express is to utilize the executable express(1) to generate an application as shown below:

Create the app:

$ mkdir foo && cd foo
$ npx express-generator-esmodules .

Install dependencies:

$ npm install

Start your Express.js app at http://localhost:3000/:

$ npm start

Command Line Options

This generator can also be further configured with the following command line flags.

    --version        output the version number
    --git            add .gitignore
-p, --pg             setup PostgreSQL database connection
-d, --dev            create a development mode
-t, --test           create a test environment
-f, --force          force on non-empty directory
-h, --help           output usage information
