0.0.5 • Published 2 years ago

express-jail v0.0.5

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Last release
2 years ago


Express middleware which add malicious actors into a Fail2Ban jail.


  • This NPM requires fail2ban at version 0.11.1 or later to be installed and running to work correctly.
  • This module does include a testkit but, due to the way that localhost blocking works on Linux, you will need to use an external facing IP to test it
var port = 8080;
var express = require('express');
var expressJail = require('express-jail');

app = express();
	// Options, if any

// Route setup
app.use('/api/foo', (req, res) => res.send({string:'Foo!'}));
server = app.listen(port);


expressJail(options) - Main Middleware

The main middleware factory function of the module.

Called as (options) where options is an object which can override the defaults.

Returns an @momsfriendlydevco/eventer EventEmitter(-like) instance which emits the following:

EventEmitted asDescription
ban(ip, req?, res?)Emitted before the ban cycle concludes can return an async function which could eventually return boolean false which will prevent the ban
banned(ip, req?, res?)Emitted after the ban cycle concludes
unban(ip)Emitted when calling expressJail.unban(ip), can return an (eventual) boolean false to abort
unbanned(ip)Emitted when expressJail.unban(ip) concluded

All emitters can optionally return async Promisables which will be waited on.


The default options structure. Can be overridden in each middleware init stage as needed.

pathsArray<String>See notesList of path components to consider malicious
responseCodeNumber404Initial response code to send before blocking
clientBinaryArray<Sring>See notesPrefix exec paths to access fail2ban-client
jailString"www"Jail name to use within F2B to collect the ban list
minVersionString"0.11.1"Minimum Semver version of F2B to work with, set to falsy to disable


  • paths are pre-populated from a standard list of malicious scans. If you have any to add please file a PR
  • clientBinary is set to ['/usr/bin/sudo', '/usr/bin/fail2ban-client'] by default. Each argument part should be its own part of the array to be correctly escaped
  • jail is created before launch if it does not already exist


Can be called manually to ban an IP address.

Returns a Promise which will resolve when the operation has completed.


Can be called manually to unban an IP address.

Returns a Promise which will resolve when the operation has completed.


Returns a promise which will resolve to a collection of all existing bans in the form {ip: String, from: Date, time: Number, to: Date}.


Convenience wrapper for expressJailInstance.bans() which queries a specific IP address. Returns a promise which will resolve to a boolean if the provided IP is in the ban list.


Setup and configure the Fail2Ban ruleset. This function is automatically run on initialization. Returns a promise which will resolve when the operation has completed.