0.1.4 • Published 4 years ago

express-limit-master v0.1.4

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4 years ago

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express-limit is a small project that add rate limitations to your API.


npm install --save express-limit


const limit = require('express-limit').limit;

app.get('/api/users', limit({
    max:    5,        // 5 requests
    period: 60 * 1000 // per minute (60 seconds)
}), function(req, res) {


    max        = 60,                  // Maximum request per period
    period     = 60 * 1000,           // Period in milliseconds
    prefix     = 'rate-limit-',       // Prefix of the key
    status     = 429,                 // Status code in case of rate limit reached
    message    = 'Too many requests', // Message in case of rate limit reached
    identifier = request => {         // The identifier function/value of the key (IP by default, could be "req.user.id")
        return request.ip || request.ips; // Read from Default properties
    headers = {                       // Headers names
        remaining: 'X-RateLimit-Remaining',
        reset:     'X-RateLimit-Reset',
        limit:     'X-RateLimit-Limit'
    store = new Store()               // The storage, default storage: in-memory

In some cases, you could want to skip the limitation you made for trusted client. In this case, you can add a special field in the request object:

req._skip_limits = true;

Also, you could want to add specific limitations for a special client. In this case, you can add a special field in the request object:

req._custom_limits = {
    max:    1000,      // 1000 requests
    period: 60 * 1000  // per minutes

Just don't forget where you place this modification! It could be applied for all routes!

Available Stores

Actually, two stores have been made:

  • InMemoryStore (default store, nothing to do)
const RateLimiter = require('express-limit').RateLimiter;
const InMemoryStore = require('express-limit').InMemoryStore;

const store = new InMemoryStore();

const limit = (options = {}) => {
    options.store = store;
    return new RateLimiter(options).middleware;

app.get('/api/users', limit({
    max:    5,        // 5 requests
    period: 60 * 1000 // per minute (60 seconds)
}), function(req, res) {
  • RedisStore
const redis = require('redis');
const client = redis.createClient();

const RateLimiter = require('express-limit').RateLimiter;
const RedisStore = require('express-limit').RedisStore;

const store = new RedisStore(client);

const limit = (options = {}) => {    
    options.store = store;
    return new RateLimiter(options).middleware;

app.get('/api/users', limit({
    max:    5,        // 5 requests
    period: 60 * 1000 // per minute (60 seconds)
}), function(req, res) {

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