0.1.1 • Published 9 years ago

express-resourceful-routing v0.1.1

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9 years ago

Resource Routing

Build simple, easy restful routes for nodejs & expressjs, with a viewable routing table.


Resource routing provides:

  • a simple, easy method for generating restful routes for a model.
  • a viewable routing table
  • warnings if the expected controller or controller function does not exist
  • ways to customize, override and extend the generated restful routes
  • the same interface for creating non-restful routes, so you don't have to build routes in different ways.
  • easy declaration of your "root" or "home" route.
  • optional definition of a global "wrapper" function around all the routes for universal request handling setup.


npm install resource-routing --save



Resource Routes expects all your controllers to be in the same directory. A good recommendation is PROJECT_ROOT/controllers or PROJECT_ROOT/app/controllers.

Resource Routes expects all controller to be named with common convention of entities_controller.js, like 'posts_controller.rb' or 'comments_controller.rb'

For example, if you have a User resource or model you want to manage. Resource Routes expects you to manage it with a users_controller.js file. If they don't match this convention, they may not be found.

Resource Routes depends on the express.js engine.

Example usage:

// get your app
var express = require('express');
var app = express();

// get your controller path. NOTE: resolve to full path
var path = require('path');
var controller_dir = path.resolve(./controllers");

// build your resource routing urls
var routing = require('resource-routing');
routing.resources(app, controller_dir, "users");

That's it. You now have restful routing for your User model.

The resources() function takes a minimum of three parameters:

  1. The express ap object
  2. The app controllers directory.
  3. The entity/class/model_name, in pluralized form, that will have restful routes.

The simplest usage is:

routing.resources(app, controller_dir, "users", {}); // last param optional

This will build the 14 standard restful routes for you:

Method  URL                       Handler
GET     /users                    users_controller.index
GET     /users.format             users_controller.index
GET     /users/new                users_controller.new
GET     /users/new.format         users_controller.new
POST    /users                    users_controller.create
POST    /users.format             users_controller.create
GET     /users/:id                users_controller.show
GET     /users/:id.format         users_controller.show
GET     /users/:id/edit           users_controller.edit
GET     /users/:id/edit.format    users_controller.edit
PUT     /users/:id                users_controller.update
PUT     /users/:id.format         users_controller.update
DELETE  /users/:id                users_controller.destroy
DELETE  /users/:id.format         users_controller.destroy

If the controller does not exist, the routes will not be created.

If a specific expected attribute on the controller do not exist or is not a function, the relevant route will not get created.

The functions should be defined as normal express request handlers:

function(req, res) {};

A fourth parameter, an options object, may be included to add or restrict route creation. Several option attributes are recognized:


An array of standard route names. These standard routes will be excluded from the route creation process. They will not be created.


routing.resources(app, controller_use, "users", { except: ["delete"] } };

This will create six of the seven standard routes, plus their .format variants, but the delete route will not be created.


An array of standard route names. ONLY these standard routes will be created. Other standard routes not included in this list will be excluded from the route creation process.


routing.resources(app, controller_use, "users", { only: ["index", "show"] } };

This will suppress creation of the new, create, update, edit, and delete routes . In this case your user resource will be only have read-only routes exposed.

If only is included in the options, the except option is ignored.


If you need add additional custom member routes, you can declare them with the member options attribute. It takes an array of arrays, where each of the sub-arrays is two or three elements.

  • The first element is the http method (get, post, put, delete)
  • The second element is the url part to be appended to the entity root url
  • The third element, if included, is the controller action to handle the request. If the third element is not defined, it will look for a controller action of the same name as the url part


routing.resources(app, controller_dir, "users", {member:[
  ["get", "foo", "bar"],
  ["get", "baz"]

Will generate (in addition to the regular routes:

Method  URL                       Handler
get     /users/:id/foo            users_controller.bar
get     /users/:id/foo.:format    users_controller.bar
get     /users/:id/baz            users_controller.baz
get     /users/:id/baz.:format    users_controller.baz


If you need additional custom collection routes, you can declare them with the collection options attribute. It works the same way as the member attribute, but the base url used does not include :id. Instead it uses the general controller url.


routing.resources(app, controller_dir, "users", {collection: [
  ["get", "reset_request", "reset"]

Will generate:

Method    URL                           Handler
get       /users/reset_request          users_controller.reset
get       /users/reset_request.:format  users_controller.reset


String value. Controller file. Overrides the automatic model-to-controller conversion (where passing in "users" will automatically try to load "users_controller") and let's you declare which controller you will be using.

For example:

routing.resources(app, controller_use, "users", { using: "members_controller" };

Will create:

Method  URL                       Handler
get     /users                    members_controller.index
get     /users.:format            members_controller.index
get     /users/new                members_controller.new
get     /users/new.:format        members_controller.new


String value. Url prefix. If defined, it is prepended to the generated url path. Useful for namespaces or url versioning:

For example:

routing.resources(app, controller_use, "users", { prefix: "api/1.0" };

Will create:

Method  URL                       Handler
get     /api/1.0/users                    members_controller.index
get     /api/1.0/users.:format            members_controller.index
get     /api/1.0/users/new                members_controller.new
get     /api/1.0/users/new.:format        members_controller.new

declaring nested resources

Nested resources are supported. By passing more than the minimum number of paramaters, the extra strings are assumed to be parent resources. For example, a call like:

routing.resources(app, controller_dir, "users", "tables, "stories", {}); // again, last param optional

Resource Routing will build the routes for stories, as a nested resource for tables and users, and the request will include resource ids for the parent resourses.

These are the routes that will get created with that method call:

Method  URL                                                        Handler
GET     /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories                   StoriesController.index
GET     /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories.format            StoriesController.index
GET     /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories/new               StoriesController.new
GET     /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories/new.format        StoriesController.new
POST    /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories                   StoriesController.create
POST    /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories.format            StoriesController.create
GET     /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories/:id               StoriesController.show
GET     /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories/:id.format        StoriesController.show
GET     /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories/:id/edit          StoriesController.edit
GET     /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories/:id/edit.format   StoriesController.edit
PUT     /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories/:id               StoriesController.update
PUT     /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories/:id.format        StoriesController.update
DELETE  /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories/:id               StoriesController.destroy
DELETE  /users/:user_id/tables/:table_id/stories/:id.format        StoriesController.destroy

NOTE: None of the parent resource routes gets create. They will need their one resource call to have them defined, like so:

routing.resources(app, controller_dir, "users");
routing.resources(app, controller_dir, "users", "tables");
routing.resources(app, controller_dir, "users", "tables, "stories");


Declare your root or home url with the .root() method:

routing.root(app, controller_dir, "index", "home");

This creates multiple routes to IndexController.home.

GET   /                   index_controller.home
GET   /index.:format      index_controller.home
GET   /index              index_controller.home

Arbitrary routes (get, post, put, delete):

You can declare all arbitrary non-restful routes through the resource-routing interface.

There are two reasons to do this:

  1. Consistency in declaring routes in your applications.
  2. Arbitrary routes declared through resource-routing are added to the routing table.

Resource routing provides a light wrapper around the traditional route express.js declaration.


Instead of doing this:

var tables_controller = require("./controllers/tables_controller");
app.get("/my_tables", table_controller.index")

Do this:

routing.get(app, controller_dir, "/my_tables", "tables#index")

It will generate the expected routes:

Method    URL                 Handler
get       /my_tables          tables.index
get       /my_tables.:format  tables.index

The same restrictions for resource routes also apply here. If the controller cannot be found, the route is not created. If the controller action is not defined or is not a function, the route is not created.

.expose_routing_table(app, options)

If you have a lot of generated resource routes, you many want or need a convenient way to see all the routes. Resource Routing give you a way to do this.

var express = require('express');
var app = express();
var routing = require('resource-routing');

This enables a display of the routing table at a default location of: /routing-table. This display an html table of all the internally generated routes. It does NOT include routes not added by resource-routing.

You can override the location of the routing table by passing an 'at' attribute in the options object:

routing.expose_routing_table(app, { at: "/my-routes" });

Some users may want to conditionally enable it. (i.e. in development, but not in production);


When generating routes, Resource Routing sets up a closure for dispatching your request handlers. The default implementation is:

function(handler, req, res){
  handler(req, res);

The handler here is your controller action. The default closure does anything, it just passes the request through.

But you can override this, providing your own closure do whatever you want:

routing.set_wrapper(function(handler, req, res){
  console.log("CUSTOM WRAPPER");
  var options = { extra_data: "example"};
  handler(req, res, options);

You can define you own controller action method signature (making sure your controller actions implement the signature), set up some global logging or metrics. It's up to you.

NOTE: Async coding practices with callback handlers make come into play here.


This resets the handler wrapper back to the default, non-additive closure.



MIT. see License



  • Add .root method to create root/home routes


  • Reorder route creation so .:format urls get hit first


  • Added handler wrapper for executing custom setup code on every request.


  • Fixed some documentation errors
  • Added ability to declare custom resource methods via member: and collection: options on the resources() method.


  • can now declare arbitrary routes via resource-routing to get all routes into the routing table


  • updated README to include documetation of options.except and options.only for .resources()


  • added options.using to .resources()
  • added options.prefix to .resources()
  • added options.at to .expose_routing_table()
  • fixed nested_resources


  • added routing-table html display


  • Initial Release