0.0.11 • Published 5 years ago

express-static-files-manager v0.0.11

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Last release
5 years ago

npm (scoped)


This package automatically builds and updates your static served files on express based on a given Github repository.


npm i express-static-files-manager

If you use TypeScript, make sure it's the latest version.


On some of our projects, we use a pattern that allows us to have a single hosting point. We use express static files to serve the frontend directly from our backend (in this case an express app). The motivation behind this package comes from the need we had to automatically update the files served by our backend and not manually copy our React project build each time into the public folder and then redeploying the updated backend. This package also takes care of automatically updating the served frontend based on its current repository state. If the webhook is set up it will clone, rebuild and update the served files all by itself upon new commits.


manageStaticFilesServing(config : Config)

The only function that needs to be called when your express app starts. This will clone your project, build it and then place it within your /public directory (or the custom public directory if that is set) ready to be served by your express webserver. For this package, the default location of the /public directory is at the root of your project. If you set up the webhook, this will also automatically update your served files within the /public directory upon new commits.


import express from 'express';
import path from 'path';
import { manageStaticFilesServing } from 'express-static-files-manager';

const app = express();

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../public')));

  repoUrl: 'https://github.com/Username/yourReponame',
  showConsoleLog: true


repoUrlstringundefinedyesYour repository's URL
onHookReceivedfunctionundefinednoOverwrites default express-static-files-manager hook controller passing express res, req and next fields to your function
onStartBuildfunctionundefinednoFunction called on build start
onErrorfunctionundefinednoFunction called on error
onFinishfunctionundefinednoFunction called on build finish
githubUsernamestringundefinednoYour github username
githubPasswordstringundefinednoYour github password
githubTokenstringundefinednoYour github OAuth token
allowStdiobooleanfalsenoSetting this to true will pipe to stdio
showConsoleLogbooleanfalsenoSetting this to true will log the whole process
skipNpmInstallbooleanfalsenoIf you wish to skip npm install phase
skipBuildPhasebooleanfalsenoIf you wish to skip build phase
branchstring"master"noYour branch name
customPublicDirstring"public"noThe directory containing your public static files
customWorkDirstring\$currentDirnoThe directory where builds are generated and processed
customBuildScriptstring"build"noSet a custom script to use in your packages.json to build your files
webhookConfigWebhookConfigundefinednoThe Github webhook config


expressAppExpressundefinedyesYour express app (const expressApp = express();)
endpointstringundefinedyesThe endpoint called by your github hook
secretstringundefinednoThe secret passphrase associated to your github hook

Webhook usage

  • Declare a webhook manually on your repository https://github.com/{yourOrganization}/{repostoryName}/settings/hooks/new
  • Assign it a route and express-static-files-manager will automatically take care of that endpoint as long as you set webhookConfig.endpoint accordingly.
  • Select "application/json" for the field "Content Type"
  • Create a secret passphrase and set webhookConfig.secret accordingly.


import express from 'express';
import path from 'path';
import { manageStaticFilesServing } from 'express-static-files-manager';

const app = express();

app.use(express.static(path.join(__dirname, '../public')));

  repoUrl: 'https://github.com/yourUserName/yourRepositoryName',
  branch: 'production',
  webhookConfig: {
    endpoint: '/githubhook',
    secret: 'yoursupertopsecret',
    expressApp: app

Github credentials

If your repository is private, make sure to either ideally set your SSH key on your hosting machine or alternately set githubUsername and githubPassword. You can also use a github access token for the githubToken. If you take this path, consider setting up a bot with limited access rights to your repository.


This is still in early stage development. Not production ready. Use it at your own risks. This is also super project specific and very opinionated.


5 years ago


5 years ago


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5 years ago