0.1.0 • Published 9 years ago

express-subroute v0.1.0

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Last release
9 years ago


Sub routes for express, with support for automatic OPTIONS response and 405 Method Not Allowed.


Install via npm:

  $ npm install express-subroute


A tiny in-memory blog app. There's also a JavaScript version at USAGE.js.

express  = require 'express'
subroute = require 'express-subroute'

express().configure ->
  subroute.install this # or require('express-subroute').install() to enable globally

  posts = []
  @param 'post', (req, res, next) ->
    if req.post = posts[req.params.post] then do next
    else res.send 404

  # or `subroute app, '/blog', ->` without `install()`ing
  @subroute '/blog', ->
    @get (req, res) -> res.end 'welcome!' 
    @get '/about', (req, res) -> res.end 'an example app' 
    @subroute '/post', ->
      @get (req, res) -> res.json posts 
      @post (req, res) -> posts.push req.body; res.send 204 
      @get '/:post', (req, res) -> res.json req.post
      @put '/:post', (req, res) -> posts[req.params.post]=req.body; res.send 204 
      @del '/:post', (req, res) -> delete posts[req.params.post]; res.send 204
      @subroute '/:post/comment', ->
        @get (req, res) -> res.json req.post.comments or [] 
        @post (req, res) -> (req.post.comments ||= []).push req.body; res.send 204

  # Adds handlers to the following methods/paths:
  # - GET|OPTIONS      /blog
  # - GET              /blog/about
  # - GET|POST|OPTIONS /blog/post
  # - GET|PUT|DELETE   /blog/post/:post
  # - GET|POST|OPTIONS /blog/post/:post/comment

  # you can also require() the function from another file
  @soubroute '/forum', require './forum'

# forum.coffee exports a function:
module.exports = ->
  @get (req, res) -> # ...
  @post (req, res) -> # ...
  # ...

If you don't setup an OPTIONS handler, one is automatically created for you with all the methods used in the route. In addition, if none of the handlers you register handle the request, an 405 Method not allowed response is sent.

For more info, see the code (~30 lines) and the tests.
