0.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

expressioner v0.0.1

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9 years ago


This is a simple expression grammer builder. You can use this tool to define your expression grammer.

In other word, you define how to work of expression like a + b, a | b or other any kind in a simple way.

What is expression? See https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expression_(computer_science)?


npm install expressioner


  • import library
var expressioner = require("expressioner");
  • initial expression grammar
let arithmetic = expressioner({
    "+": {
        priority: 10,
        opNum: 2,
        execute: function(a, b) {
            return Number(a) + Number(b);
    "-": {
        priority: 10,
        opNum: 2,
        execute: function(a, b) {
            return Number(a) - Number(b);
    "*": {
        priority: 20,
        opNum: 2,
        execute: function(a, b) {
            return Number(a) * Number(b);
    "++": {
        priority: 40,
        opNum: 1,
        execute: function(a) {
            return Number(a) + 1;
    "(": {
        type: "start"
    ")": {
        type: "close",
        match: "("
  • write expression by your grammer and run it.
console.log( arithmetic(" 3 + (2 * 4)++").value );
// result is 12.


var arithmetic = expressioner( operationMap )

In the example, the big map passed to expressioner is our operationMap. It's used to define our expression grammer.

Key of operationMap is keyword of operation symbol, Value of operationMap is a config of operation symbol. The attributes of config include :

  • type

    "start" | "end" | undefined

    There are some types for operation symbol. For example, in math, + is different from ( and ). Blanket in math stands for block type which includes a start symbol and end symbol. The type attribute is used to define block concept in expression. So type needs start and end value.

  • match


    When we define "end" type of operation symbol, we need to know it's who's end. By using type and match, we can define a pair of block by this:

   "{": {
        type: "start"
    "}": {
        type: "close",
        match: "{" // match "{" symbol
  • needAfterSpace

    true | false, default is false

    We can declare our operation symbol should have space after it. When it's true means: a+ b is legal and a+b is not legal.

  • needBeforeSpace

    true | false, default is false

    We can declare our operation symbol should have space before it. When it's true means: a +b is legal and a+b is not legal.

  • priority


    It's used to define priority of operation symbol. For example, if * has a higher priority than +, expression a + b * c, should run like this:

var t1 = b * c;
var t2 = a + t1;
  • opNum

    1 || 2

    Unary or Binocular Operators.

  • execute


    execute is important, it decides how operation should work. It's a function, accept the operation values. If it's binocular operators, it accept two inputs, if it's unary, accept one.

var result = arithmetic( expresionSentence ).value

After you define your expression grammer, you can use it to calculate something.

arithmetic is the function you defined before by passing operationMap to expressioner.

expresionSentence is a string, like a + b * (c - d)

result is the value of expression. For example, in math the value of 3 + 4 is 7.
