0.1.1 • Published 10 years ago

expressiv v0.1.1

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Last release
10 years ago


A markdown-like language / parser

Inline tokens

The most basic inline tokens are very similar to their markdown counterparts, with a few additions. Special characters can be escaped with \

Lorem *ipsum\* dolor* **sit** amet _consectetur_ adipsicing elit.
Lorem <em>ipsum* dolor</em> <strong>sit</strong> amet <u>consectetur</u> adipsicing elit.

Links and emails

Lorem ->ipsum (http://www.example.com) dolor sit amet consectetur@adipsicing.elit.
Lorem <a href="http://www.example.com">ipsum</a> dolor sit amet <a href="mailto:consectetur@adipsicing.elit">consectetur@adipsicing.elit</a>.


Lorem [[http://www.example.com/mypic.gif]] dolor sit amet [[My picture|http://www.example.com/mypic.gif]] consectetur adipsicing elit.
Lorem <img src="http://www.example.com/mypic.gif" alt=""> dolor sit amet <img src="http://www.example.com/mypic.gif" alt="My picture" title="My picture"> consectetur adipsicing elit.


Lorem @ipsum dolor sit amet #consectetur adipsicing elit.
Lorem <a href="http://twitter.com/ipsum">@ipsum</a> dolor sit amet <a href="http://twitter.com/search?q=%23consectetur&src=hash">#consectetur</a> adipsicing elit.

Block level tokens


All those text blocks that aren't wrapped by a special block are parsed as paragraphs. Paragraphs end with a double newline, while a simple newline is parsed as a line break.

Hello there.
This is a paragraph.

This is another one.

Turns into:

    Hello there.<br>
    This is a paragraph.
    This is another one.


Start and end with "

Somebody said this.
    Somebody said this.

Code blocks

Start and end with @

    echo 'Hello world';
    echo 'Hello world';


Go from # (h2) to ##### (h6):

## Section title
<h3>Section title</h3>

While h1 is reserved for main heading block:

Document heading
    <h1>Document heading</h1>

And this can be expanded with a subheading

Document heading
Subheading here
    <h1>Document heading</h1>
    <strong>Subheading here</strong>


* Item 1
* Item 2
* Item 3

1. Item 1
2. Item 2
3. Item 3
    <li>Item 1</li>
    <li>Item 2</li>
    <li>Item 3</li>
    <li>Item 1</li>
    <li>Item 2</li>
    <li>Item 3</li>

List items can also contain entire blocks:

* List item
* Block-level list item.
  Notice that this text
  mantains the indentation.
  * Nested list item
  * Nested list item 2
  More text
* Another item
    <li>List item</li>
            Block-level list item.<br>
            Notice that this text<br>
            mantains the indentation.
            <li>Nested list item</li>
            <li>Nested list item 2</li>
            More text
    <li>Another item</li>

Definition lists

Term 1:
    Definition here.
Term 2:
    Definitions can
    hold block level
    text too.
Term 3:
    <dt>Term 1:</dt>
    <dd>Definition here.</dd>
    <dt>Term 2:</dt>
            Definitions can<br>
            hold block level<br>
            text too.
    <dt>Term 3:</dt>


Tables are wrapped by pipes ("|"). Heading row is divided by "="s and colspans can be specified using multiple pipes.

|||This is the heading row, with colspan=3                |
|Simple table cell   |Another table cell|Another one      |
|This is another row ||With another cell with colspan=2   |
        <th colspan="3">This is the heading row, with colspan=3  </th>
        <td>Simple table cell</td>
        <td>Another table cell</td>
        <td>Another one</td>
        <td>This is another row</td>
        <td colspan="2">With another cell with colspan=2</td>

Cell text alignment can be specified via ascii-art-alignment:

|Simple table cell      |       right aligned cell|
||       center aligned cell with colspan=2       |
        <td>Simple table cell</td>
        <td style="text-align:right">right aligned cell</td>
        <td colspan="2" style="text-align:center">center aligned cell with colspan=2</td>