0.2.2 • Published 6 years ago

ext-string-case v0.2.2

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Last release
6 years ago


String Casing Helper

Beta version

String Casing Utility for converting strings to and from different casing styles, this NPM Package came to be since I found myself using 4 half baked packages in order to achieve these conversions.

Following casing styles are supported,
  • Pascal
  • Camel
  • Snake
  • Dash

there are also a bunch convenience/helper methods for dealing with strings.


Pascal case
// Result: WelcomeToTheJungle

// Result: welcomeToTheJungle

// Result: welcome-to-the-jungle
Dash case
// Result: SweetChildOfMine

// Result: sweetChildOfMine

// Result: sweet_child_of_mine
Pascal case
// Result: use_your_illusion

// Result: use-your-illusion

// Result: useYourIllusion
Camel case
// Result: UseYourIllusion

// Result: useYourIllusion

// Result: use-your-illusion
Helper Methods

In order to perform these conversions a few helper methods was born as well and can be used independently of the conversion methods.

 * Check wheter a string is assigned and has a length
 * @param str
 * @returns {boolean}
public static validStr(str: any): boolean;

 * Determines if the given char is a letter
 * @param char - char to test
 * @returns
public static isLetter(char: string): boolean;

 * Determines if a given string contains only letters
 * @param str - string to
 * @returns - wether a string is only letterrs
public static onlyLetters(str: string): boolean;

 * Returns the given string with first letter in upper case
 * @param str - input string
 * @returns - the resulting string
public static upperFirst(str: string);

 * Returns the given string with first letter in lower case
 * @param str - input string
 * @returns - resulting string
public static lowerFirst(str: string);

 * Detects if the first char of a given string is upper case
 * @param str
public static isFirstUpper(str: string): boolean;

 * Detects if the first char of a given string is upper case
 * @param str - input string
 * @returns {boolean}
public static isFirstLower(str: string): boolean;

 * Determines if the given string is in lower case
 * @param str - the string to test
 * @returns - {boolean}
public static isLowerCase(str: string): boolean;

 * Determines if the given string is in upper case
 * @param str - the string to test
 * @returns {boolean}
public static isUpperCase(str: string): boolean;

 * Checks whether a string contains an upper case
 * @param str
 * @returns {boolean}
public static haveUpperCaseChar(str: string): boolean;

 * Semi-smart method to convert to and from Snake/Cane and Pascal casing
 * and the other way around
 * @param data - input string
 * @param toLowerPascal - if set the result will be camel case
public static invertCasing(data: string, toLowerPascal: boolean = false);

 * Processes a given string and replaces char which is not a valid letter with
 * a given replacement char, only one fill char after an other will be included
 *   Example with "-" as fill char:
 *   Input: "#You___Could___  --> Be <-- Mine!!"
 *   Output: "You-Could-Be-Mine
 * @param data - input string
 * @param fillChar - 
 * @returns - resulting string
public static unifyString(data: string, fillChar: string = "_", stripNoneLetters: boolean = false): string;

 * Base method for converting from pascal to snake/dash case
 * @param data - input
 * @param dashCase - if set output will be dash case 
 * @returns - resulting string
public static convertFromPascalCasing(data: string, dashCase: boolean = false): string;
Following methods are shaky

These are still in an early Beta stage, these methods will detect the input format and perform the conversion accordingly.


####Unit Testing Unit tests is available for the most of the methods :)