0.1.0 • Published 12 years ago
extend-stream v0.1.0
Extend Stream
Extend stream is a stream that takes an initial JSON object and extends it with other JSON objects it receives and emits the final result when it's read source is done streaming objects to it
var extendStream = require("extend-stream");
var JSONStream = require("JSONStream");
var eventStream = require("event-stream");
obj = {
run: "don't",
walk: "to",
the: "party"
var lineStream = eventStream(function(line, next) {
next(false, line + "\n");
stream = extendStream(obj);
stream.write({ run: "fast don't" })
stream.write({ the: "awesome party" })
Extend stream exports a single function extendStream
. This function takes only
one argument, which is the initial object value to extend.
- @param {object} init - The initial object to extend
- @returns {stream}
12 years ago