0.0.1 • Published 9 years ago

extendable.js v0.0.1

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9 years ago


A Node.js, AMD module, or global module which assists in extending objects and overriding object methods using prototypal inheritance.



    var Extendable = require('extendable.js');

##AMD require

require(['extendable.js'], function(Extendable) {

or you can use it as a global variable window.Extendable in your browser.


##Extension of object literals


extend(props) creates a new object, set the current object (this) as the object's prototype and copies the first-level properties of props to the new object.

var props = {
    a: 1,
    b: {
      c: 3
var extended = Extendable.extend(props);

Object extended has properties a and b copied from props and it's prototype is Extendable:

extended.a === props.a;             // returns true
extended.b === props.b;             // returns true
Extendable.isPrototypeOf(extended); // returns true


Acts the same as if the extend() was called without any arguments, returns the same as calling Object.create(this).


override(methodName, newMethod) overrides an existing method methodName in the object and adds the ability to call the overridden method from the new method:

var obj1 = Extendable.extend({
    value: 5,
    calculate: function(a) {
        return this.value + a;

var obj2 = obj1.extend().override('calculate', function(p_super, a, b) {
    return p_super(a) + b;

obj1.calculate(3);     // returns 8
obj2.calculate(3, 10); // returns 18

Additional combinations are possible:

var original = {
    a: 1,
    b: 2,
    sum: function(c, d) {
        return this.a + this.b + c + d;

var extended = Extendable.extend(original)
    // override the sum method
    .override('sum', function(p_super, c, d) {
        var value = p_super(c, d);
        return value * 2;
    // extend the object with the overridden method and modify the
    // variable which is used in the overridden method.
        b: 5

original.sum(3, 4); // 1 + 2 + 3 + 4 = 10
extended.sum(3, 4); // (1 + 5 + 3 + 4) * 2 = 26

##Constructor extension

// Person.js AMD module
define(['Extendable'], function(Extendable) {
    function Person(name) {
        this.name = name;
    var PersonPrototype = {
        setJob: function(job) {
            this.job = job;
        setAge: function(age) {
            this.age = age;
    return Extendable.extend(Person, PersonPrototype);

// Plumber.js AMD module
define(['Person'], function(Person) {
    function Plumber(name, tools) {
        this.superclass.call(this, name);
    var PlumberPrototype = {
        setTools: function(tools) {
            this.tools = tools;
    return Person.extend(Plumber, PlumberPrototype);

// index.js
require(['Plumber', 'Person'], function(Plumber, Person) {

    var joe = new Plumber('joe johnson', 'wrench');
    // joe instanceof Plumber returns true
    // joe instanceof Person returns true
    // Person.prototype.isPrototypeOf(joe) returns true
    // Plumber.prototype.isPrototypeOf(joe) returns true
    // joe.name is 'joe johnson'
    // joe.age is 25
    // joe.job is 'plumber'
    // joe.tools is 'wrench'

