1.0.10 • Published 6 years ago

extract-files-eml v1.0.10

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Last release
6 years ago


Convert EML email files to PDF.

EML files are email messages in MIME RFC 822 standard format.


Clone this repository or run

npm install extract-files-eml

## Usage

This module is usable in three related use cases:

- rename the EML file to a recognisable file
- save attachments from the message to disk
- save the message to a PDF file, with an email header

## Rename the email message 

Rename the eml file using data from the email message in this format: ```yyyy.mm.dd - from.name - subject.eml```

Files with the same filename will receive a trailing counter, eg: ```yyyy.mm.dd - from.name - subject_1.eml```.

var eml2pdf = new Eml2Pdf("filename.eml");


TODO: allow custom filename formatting

Save attachments to disk

Save the attachments in the email message to disk. These will be saved along the EML file in a subdirectory named with the naming scheme from renameFile.

var eml2pdf = new Eml2Pdf("filename.eml");


TODO: accept a default directory as parameter where attachments will be saved

Convert email message to PDF

A pdf file will be saved to disk with the naming scheme from renameFile . It will have a header containing time, sender, receiver, Reply-to, CC and subject.

var eml2pdf = new Eml2Pdf("filename.eml");

  • TODO: add a table with attachments info at the end of the pdf
  • TODO: provide ability to set scaling options for the PDF
  • TODO: reduce the impact from message CSS on the header layout

KNOWN ISSUES: the PDF will be scaled on HiDPI screens.

## License


## Feedback 

Feedback and pull requests are welcome

## Forked and adapted from: 

Bran Esposito 