2.0.2 • Published 2 years ago
extract-first-json v2.0.2
If I should maintain this repo, please ⭐️
DM me on Twitter if you have questions or suggestions.
yarn add extract-first-json
npm install extract-first-json
pnpm add extract-first-json
import { extractJSON, extractJSONObject, extractJSONArray } from "extract-first-json";
const string = `Example: { "ok": true }`;
const arrayString = `Example: [{ "ok": true }]`;
extractJSON(string); // { ok: true }
extractJSONObject(string); // { ok: true }
extractJSONArray(arrayString); // [{ "ok": true }]
- parse-json-object: Parse a typed JSON object from a string
- reduce-first: Return early from reduce
- autorepo: Autorepo abstracts away your dev dependencies, providing a single command to run all of your scripts.