1.0.4 • Published 4 years ago
ez-calc v1.0.4
A super simple calculator function used to complete the freeCodeCamp Calculator project.
The calc
function takes four arguements... and input
string, a totalArr
array (optional), a total
string (optional),
and a clearSet
boolean (optional).
The input
value can be a number,-
, +
, /
, *
, x
, .
, =
, ac
(for All Clear_, c
or clear
(for clear,
which removes the last input. If clear is pressed twice, it's equavalent to All Clear)
To use
import calc from "ez-calc";
let input = 2;
let totalArr = [2, "+", 2, "+"];
let total = 4;
let clearSet = false;
const calculator = calc(input, totalArr, total, clearSet);
totalArr = calculator[0];
total = calculator[1];
clearSet = calculator[2];