1.0.5 • Published 2 years ago

ez-mapper v1.0.5

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2 years ago


A simple, zero dependency object mapper for javascript and typescript no configuration required


ez-mapper is written in typescript and has full typing support.

Getting Started

Install ez-map using npm

npm install ez-mapper

or yarn

yarn add ez-mapper

Mapping between objects

Lets say we have the following classes, User and UserDto

class User {
    firstName: string = ""
    lastName: string = ""

class UserDTO {
    firstName: string = ""
    lastName: string = ""

Lets now say we have an instance of User that we would like to map to an instance of UserDto. Here is how we would do it

import { map } from "../../src"

const user = new User()
user.firstName = "Jonathan"
user.lastName = "Soszka"

const userDto = new UserDto()

console.log(userDto) // {firstName: 'Jonathan', lastName: 'Soszka}

This is great we can perform simple mappings easily. Here we built our own User instance but in reality it would probably already be built and you would just need to make the DTO and map it.

Nested properties

ez-mapper will also copy all nested properties by value. Lets assume our User and UserDto classes now also have a property address which is of type Address and AddressDto respectively

class Address {
    city: string = ""
    state: string = ""

class AddressDto {
    city: string = ""
    state: string = ""
import { map } from "ez-mapper"

const user = new User()
user.address.city = "Richmond"
user.address.state = "VA"

const userDto = new UserDto()

console.log(userDto.address) // {city:"Richmond", state:"VA"}

The nested values are copied by value not by reference, this means altering the destination object will not have side effects on the source object.

Custom Mappings

What if our DTO has some extra fields like fullName. we can take care of this using a customMapper passed to the map method

map(src, dst, (src, dst) => {
     dst.fullName = src.firstName + " " + src.lastName

Reusing Custom Mappings

Lets say we dont want to write the custom mappings every time we map between User and UserDto ez-mapper does not offer anyway to do this out of the box. The reason for this is that ez-mapper aims to be a lightweight no configuration required library. The way other tools achieve this like AutoMapperTypescript is to create a large configuration object to hold all of your custom mappings.

So what can we do instead? We would advise creating creating a mapping method in the Dto and using ez-mapper there like such. In our opinion this is better than maintaining a configuration file because it keeps the logic close to the Dto itself.

import { map } from "ez-mapper"
class UserDTO {
    firstName: string = ""
    lastName: string = ""
    fullName: string = ""

    static mapFrom(user:User){
        const dto = new UserDto()
        map(user,dto, (src,dst) => {
            dst.fullName = src.firstName + src.lastName

const userDto = UserDto.mapFrom(user)


ez-mapper currently has one configuration option which can be applied called transforms a transform is a function applied to all property names on both the source and destination target before matching occurs.

Default Transformer

the default transformer removes all underscores from property names and also converts all property names to lowercase before attempting to find matches. This would mean that if we had two objects one with a property FirstName and another with a property first_name ez-mapper would automatically map these two properties. if you do not like this it can be turned off by adding a custom transformer to do nothing at all, see the Disable Transforms section

Custom Transformer

to add a custom transformer to ez-mapper you need to use the init method somewhere in your project before any mappings are performed.

lets say we want to remove the string xyz from property names before looking for a match so that firstNamexyz would match firstName. Here is how we would do that

import { init, defaultTransformer } from "ez-mapper"
    transform: (x) => {
        let y = x.replace("xyz", "");
        return defaultTransformer(y);

you also see we are explicitly calling the defaultTransformer at the end so we can keep the default rules as well.

Disable Transforms

to disable all transforms use the init method as such

import { init, defaultTransformer } from "ez-mapper"
    transform: (x) => x

2 years ago


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2 years ago


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2 years ago