1.0.0 • Published 7 years ago

ezcp v1.0.0

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Last release
7 years ago
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What's EZCP

EZCP works like a clipboard: you Copy something to it from machine A, and you Paste it on machine B.

It works accross the internet. Easy Copy. Hence the name.

To make sure your clipboard is private, it is associated to a Token. You can create a new token by visiting https://ezcp.io. Copy the token on the page, and you're good to go (others are shown a different token).


There are two ways to get the EZCP command line tool: Go, and Node.js.

Some prefer a single binary compiled for their platform, others like Node.js better.

You can install the Node.js version

The Node.js install is even easier if you already have Node.js installed.

npm install -g ezcp

Then you can use the ezcp command.

Or You can install the following Go binaries

Open the link in a navigator, or use wget or curl, then copy the file somewhere in your path.

Or build it yourself from the source:

go get github.com/ezcp/ezcp-go

Using: Novice

Say you have a file you want to send from machine A to machine B.

On machine A, type ezcp [filename] [token]. It Copies the file's contents to the internet.

On machine B, simply type ezcp [token] [newfile] and ezcp will Paste the contents of the Token to [newfile].


  • Once you've Copied to a Token, you can't reuse the token to copy something else
  • You have 1 hour to paste the contents of a Token
  • Once you've Pasted a Token, you can't reuse it to Paste again
  • You can get as many tokens as you need on https://ezcp.io
  • You can't use ezcp for files larger than 20MB. Use compression!
  • If you loose your token, there is no way to get it back!
  • When the token is gone, the file is gone from our servers too

Using: Intermediate

Say you want to send a file to someone who doesn't have ezcp:

You can ezcp [file] [token] and send the person a link to https://ezcp.io/download/[token]. The file contents will be downloaded to his computer.

Say you want to encrypt the contents on your computer, and send it encrypted:

Use ezcp -x passphrase [file] [token] and ezcp -x passphrase [token] [newfile]. EZCP has no idea what your file contains or even its name! At all times, your files travel encrypted by SSL, but sometimes you need the extra security of a password... We're using AES-256, and the Node.js and Go implementations are 100% compatible. Encrypt on one, decrypt on the other.

Say you need to transfer your Mongodb dump from machine A to machine B :

mongodump | tar cfz - | ezcp [token] will Copy your database backup on machine A.

ezcp [token] > mongodb.backup.tgz will transfer the backup to machine B!

and of course, you could have encrypted your backups with mongodump | tar cfz - | ezcp [token] -x mypass and ezcp -x mypass [token] > mongodb.backup.tgz.

Using: Advanced

If you want to use ezcp in a batch scenario, you should register. It's super fast, easy, secure and anonymous.

  • it provides a permanent token that can be reused and is safe for inclusion in cron jobs or in a CI/CD scenario
  • you can login from as many machines as you want
  • it raises the file size limit from 20MB to 150MB
  • you don't need to specify the token explicitely on the command line!
  • your files stay on the server for 24 hours instead of 1.

After using ezcp -b and ezcp -l [transaction hash], you can copy files with ezcp [filename] and ezcp [newfile].

You can pipe to ezcp with command | ezcp and ezcp > newfile.

But you can still get a transient token on https://ezcp.io and use it as usual. And of course you can encrypt with AES-256 with -x.

If your needs are not covered, contact us at "info at ezcp.io"!


7 years ago