1.0.7 • Published 4 years ago

f4st_crypt v1.0.7

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4 years ago

F4st_Crypt (or F4cry)

An NPM module (nodeJS) that uses crypto to encrypt/decrypt files and text in a robust way, that does not damage the file and also in small functions.

How to Use?

You can easily use this module in some simple functions:


Text Encrypting

var f4cry = require("F4st_Crypt");
var ncryptxt = f4cry.encrypt("A foo and a bar", "My Password", null, null);

"null, null" is telling to the program to auto-generate the algorithm and iv processor.

And it will return like:

  type: 'encrypt',
  text: '9cbc314d4ebf883f581fa3e4192e2ed6',
  password: 'My Password',
  algorithm: 'aes-256-cbc',
  iv: 'e27294577aedb2b9ff62a84a9ed23ead'

Text Decrypting

var f4cry = require("F4st_Crypt");

var dcryptxt = f4cry.decrypt(ncryptxt.text, ncryptxt.password, ncryptxt.algorithm, ncryptxt.iv)

We are using encrypt text json response with "ncryptxt".

And it will return it like: A foo and a bar


File Encrypting

Easily encrypt files with this function:

var f4cry = require("F4st_Crypt");
var ncrypt = f4cry.encryptFile("./test/test_file.rar", "./test/test_file_crypted.rar", "password", algorithm, iv_processor, (progress) =>{console.log(progress)});

It will return a json string like(useful for saving/using auto-generated IV processors):

  type: 'encrypt',
  from: './test/test_file.rar',
  to: './test/test_file_crypted.rar',
  password: 'senha',
  algorithm: 'aes-256-cbc',
  iv: 'f1562b6de15f7a228799bb906355c2e0'

File Decrypting

Easily decrypt files with this function:

var f4cry = require("F4st_Crypt");
var dcrypt = f4cry.decryptFile( "./test/test_file_crypted.rar",  "./test/test_file_decrypted.rar", ncrypt.password, ncrypt.algorithm, ncrypt.iv,(progress) =>{console.log(progress)})

It will return a json string too:

  type: 'decrypt',
  from: './test/test_file_crypted.rar',
  to: './test/test_file_decrypted.rar',
  password: 'senha',
  algorithm: 'aes-256-cbc',
  iv: 'f1562b6de15f7a228799bb906355c2e0'


Supported Algorithms:

AES-128-CBC, AES-128-CBC-HMAC-SHA1, AES-128-CBC-HMAC-SHA256, AES-128-CFB, AES-128-CFB1, AES-128-CFB8, AES-128-CTR, AES-128-ECB, AES-128-OFB, AES-128-XTS, AES-192-CBC, AES-192-CFB, AES-192-CFB1, AES-192-CFB8, AES-192-CTR, AES-192-ECB, AES-192-OFB, AES-256-CBC, AES-256-CBC-HMAC-SHA1, AES-256-CBC-HMAC-SHA256, AES-256-CFB, AES-256-CFB1, AES-256-CFB8, AES-256-CTR, AES-256-ECB, AES-256-OFB, AES-256-XTS, AES128 => AES-128-CBC, AES192 => AES-192-CBC, AES256 => AES-256-CBC.

(We're also accepting improvements, don't be afraid, even if it's simple, make your commit!)