2.0.1 • Published 4 years ago

fae v2.0.1

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4 years ago


A small game framework with a simple, joyful API.

  • Flexible; decoupled entity-component-system approach.
  • Agnostic; pairs with anything you prefer for rendering, UI, etc.
  • Focused; only does what it's good at.
  • Runs in browsers, Node, and Deno.
  • Zero dependencies.
  • ~1kb compressed.

Getting Started

Via package manager:

yarn add fae or npm i -S fae

import { Application } from "fae";

Via CDN:

// Use your preferred CDN; here we use jspm.
// (And be sure to specify a version so your game doesn't break when Fae updates!)
import { Application } from "https://jspm.dev/fae/dist/fae.js";

And then:

// Create an Application instance and read the docs to get started!
const app = new Application();

API Reference

The guide below is the best primary documentation, but if you need more detailed API information try taking a peek at the source!

I work hard to keep it small, readable, fully annotated, and fully unit-tested. The tests provide an overview of the APIs, and the implementation of course has the full details.

For convenience, each section of the guide has links to the relevant implementation and test files.


After Getting Started, you're ready to dive in!

Asides such as this contain additional explanation or information and appear throughout the guide.

Introducing Entities

Implementation - Tests

Entities are the things in your game. Characters, items, tiles; if it exists in the game world, then it's probably an entity.

// Let's make a kitty. His name is Edgar.
const edgar = app.entity.create();


Entities can be given tags.

// Oh no, let's feed him!

Every entity has the "all" tag.

Describing With Components

Implementation - Tests

Components are the data used to describe entities. This is what a basic component looks like:

const Weight = {
  tag: "weight",
  init: () => 19.4,

A component is an object with two properties:

  • tag should be a short descriptive camelCase string, and
  • init should be a function that returns the initial state of the component.
// Let's attach the component.

Attaching a component to an entity does two things:

  • It tags the entity with the component's tag, and
  • It calls init and stores the result on the entity as a property with the name of the tag.
console.log(edgar.weight); // 19.4
// We can detach a component using its tag.

Components are designed to be reusable. Attaching effectively creates an 'instance' of the component, due to how init works. This means we can attach the same component to as many entities as we like, and each one will have its own unique component state.

Component Parameters

init always takes the entity that the component is being attached to as its first argument. Additional arguments can be supplied to attach, and they will be passed to init.

const Fur = {
  tag: "fur",
  init: (e, color, length) => ({ color, length }),
edgar.attach(Fur, "gray", "long");

console.log(edgar.fur.color); // "gray"
console.log(edgar.fur.length); // "long"

So components describe an entity's characteristics, but they don't implement any logic or behaviors. How do we make stuff happen then? The answer is systems.

Acting With Systems

Implementation - Tests

Systems provide actions, the code to do stuff with entities. This is a basic system:

const BatheInTheMorning = {
  event: "sunrise",
  action(app) {
    // Do morning grooming routine.

As with components, a system is just an object with two properties:

  • event is the name of the event that the system listens for, and
  • action is the function that is triggered when the event occurs.

You may have noticed that the action takes the app instance as an argument. More on this in a minute.

Let's start the system.

// Grooming will happen every sunrise until the system is stopped.
// Maybe sprinting around the house in the morning is more fun.


Implementation - Tests

Systems perform actions in response to events. Where do the events come from?

// Emit a sunrise event.
// This will trigger the actions of all systems that are listening.

You can emit any arbitrary event using app.event.emit. Additional args passed to emit will be passed through to the actions of any systems listening.

const Feeding = {
  event: "feed",
  action(app, kitty, amount) {
    // Feed kitty the specified amount.
// Feed Edgar one portion.
app.event.emit("feed", edgar, 1);

emit() triggers event listeners synchronously and in the order in which they were registered. (i.e. the order in which the respective systems were started.)

Default Game Loop

Implementation - Tests

By default, there are two events emitted 60 times per second:

  • update - With one argument dt (The time in seconds since the last update.)
  • draw - No arguments.

This behavior can be overridden. See Custom Game Loop.

Querying Entities

Implementation - Tests

Let's re-create Edgar and give him some friends.

app.entity.create().attach(Fur, "gray", "long").tag("hungry"); // Edgar
app.entity.create().attach(Fur, "black", "short"); // Gus
app.entity.create().attach(Fur, "gray", "short"); // Pam
app.entity.create().tag("hungry"); // Cleo (hairless!)

Now we've got some cool cats, but we haven't stored any reference to them. How do we do access them? With queries!

// Get all entities with the "fur" tag.
app.entity.get("fur"); // (Edgar, Gus, and Pam)


Implementation - Tests

Queries can be expanded with further conditions.

// Get only entities tagged with both "fur" and "hungry".
app.entity.get("fur").and("hungry"); // (Edgar)

// Get all entities tagged with either "fur" or "hungry".
app.entity.get("fur").or("hungry"); // (Edgar, Gus, Pam, and Cleo)

// Get only entities with "fur" and without "hungry".
app.entity.get("fur").andNot("hungry"); // (Gus and Pam)

There is also a filter method for more complex conditions.

// Get only entities with short fur.
app.entity.get("fur").filter(({ fur }) => fur.length === "short"); // (Gus and Pam)

These conditions can all be chained continuously as well, to build as much complexity as needed, though it's rare to need very long queries.

// Get only entities that have gray fur and not "hungry".
  .filter(({ fur }) => fur.color === "gray")
  .andNot("hungry"); // (Pam)

For performance, an internal index is maintained for every tag that exists, meaning get always returns its result in constant time. Further conditions increase the complexity to linear time, which should still be quite fast in most cases.

Using the Result

Implementation - Tests

The value returned from a query is an EntitySet, which implements the forEach method.

app.entity.get("hungry").forEach((e) => {
  // Feed each hungry kitty.

EntitySet is also an Iterable, so it can be used with for...of loops.

for e of app.entity.get("hungry") {
  // Feed each hungry kitty.

When to use queries?

Any time you need to access entities that weren't defined within the current scope, which is almost always.

Generally, components and systems should only use state passed as arguments or defined within the function of the component or system itself - to keep them generic and reusable. This is one of the reasons queries are useful.

Remember how app is passed as an argument to a system's action? This allows us to use queries within an action.

const PetThemAll = {
  event: "pet",
  action(app) {
    app.entity.get("all").forEach((e) => {
      // (Every entity has the "all" tag.)
      // Do a pet!

Though rare, if you need to use a query in a component's init, you can access the app instance through the entity's app property.

const Name = {
  tag: "name",
  init({ app }, name) {
    app.entity.get("name").forEach((other) => {
      if (other.name === name) throw new Error("Oh no! That name is taken.");
    return name;

How to get a specific entity?

Usually when you need to do something with a specific entity, you can simply pass that entity as an argument to wherever it is needed, as in the Feeding system from earlier.

If that's not possible, then you can query for some unique property of the entity, but this isn't recommended because it may not be robust - if the property isn't actually unique, or the entity doesn't exist, et cetera - and may create strong coupling, which can make it harder to maintain and expand your code later.

app.entity.create().tag("edgar"); // Not recommended.
const [edgar] = app.entity.get("edgar"); // Not recommended.

System State

Implementation - Tests

Most state in your game will belong to individual entities in the form of components, but on occasion, systems will need access to state that shouldn't necessarily belong to individual entities.

To deal with this requirement, there is a way to store state in systems themselves.

const HeadPat = {
  event: "headPat",
  init: (app) => ({ total: 0 }),
  action(app, state, kitty) {
    // Pat kitty's head.
    // ...

    // Increment the total so we know how many head pats have been given.
    state.total += 1;
app.event.emit("headPat", edgar); // console: 1
app.event.emit("headPat", gus); // console: 2

init takes the app instance as its first argument. You can also give additional arguments to app.system.start(), and they will be passed to init, similar to passing arguments when attaching components.

As with component state, the init function should return the initial state for the system. The returned value will be passed to action as the second parameter, whenever action triggered.

It is worth noting that this behavior of passing the state to action only occurs if init explicitly returns a value other than undefined. The mere presence of init does not cause this. See System Lifecycle for the explanation.

When to use system state?

Whenever a system needs to use some state that doesn't describe a specific entity, i.e. it doesn't make sense for the state to be a component.

Usually you won't need system state. For example, if you want to track which entities have had their heads patted, adding a "patted" tag or component to the individual entities is the recommended pattern, rather than keeping a list of entities in system state. This allows that information to remain queryable.


Sometimes your components and systems may need to "step outside" of Fae to do certain kinds of interaction with the environment (i.e. adding/removing DOM event listeners), or other libraries (i.e. creating/destroying object instances), or they may simply need to do something at the beginning or end of their "life".

Lifecycles are the way to do this.

Lifecycles can be very handy, but you should use the lifecycle API carefully because unnecessary side-effects in your components and systems can lead to difficult bugs.

Component Lifecycle

Implementation - Tests

While primarily for initializing state, a component's init function can also be used for other initialization. Simply do your set-up in the body of init and don't forget to still return the initial state for the component.

Components can also have an exit function which is called when being detached from an entity.

Like init, exit takes the entity as its first argument.

const Component = {
  tag: "foo",
  init(e) {
    // Do some set up.

    // Return the initial state.
    return "bar";
  exit(e) {
    // Do some clean up.

System Lifecycle

Implementation - Tests

In systems, init can be used for set-up, and returning an initial state is optional. If a value is returned from init, then the behavior described in System State occurs.

Systems can also have an exit function which is called when the system is stopped.

Both init and exit take the app instance as their first argument. If the system has state, exit takes it as its second argument.

const System = {
  event: "foo",
  init(app) {
    // Add a DOM event listener or something.
  exit(app) {
    // Remove a DOM event listener or something.
  action(app) {},

Very rarely, you only need a system for its side effects in init and exit, rather than to respond to events, so event and action are technically optional. See this example.

Application State

Implementation - Tests

The Application State API is very minimal. The app instance simply has a state property, which you can use as a way to access global state throughout your game.

app.state.canvas = document.getElementById("gameCanvas");

There is nothing special about the state property, except that it exists and you can initialize it in the Application constructor. It exists only to encourage a standard pattern for global state. By default it is just an empty object, but it can be set to anything you like.

const app = new Application({ state: yourCustomStore });

When to use application state?

There is a general order of precedence you can keep in mind when deciding where a piece of state should go:

entity state -> system state -> application state

  1. Can the state logically "belong" to a thing in the game world? If so, store it as a tag or component on the entity.

  2. If not, then is it only needed in a single system? If so, store it as system state.

  3. If not, then is it only needed in reaction to specific events - or does it need to be queryable? If the former, then store it as system state and pass it around with events. See this example.

  4. If the latter, then it's probably a good candidate for application state. See this example.

This is only a recommendation! Feel free to structure your state differently if it makes more sense for your case.

Custom Game Loop

Implementation - Tests

If for any reason you want to override the default game loop, there is a very simple way of doing so.

const app = new Application({
  startGame: (app) => {
    // Start your custom game loop!

You may want to do this for a variety of reasons:

  • To add more features to the game loop.
  • To write a loop suitable for your game's server.
  • To make a turn-based game, where you might not need real-time updates.
  • To disable the loop entirely and just use Fae as an ECS library.
  • And more!

Take a look at the implementation of the default game loop for an example of a startGame function.

Integrating Rendering, UI, and More

We've covered all of Fae's concepts and APIs, and you're just about ready to make an awesome game! The only thing left is integrating Fae with the other APIs or libraries you'll need for your game.

Fae is designed to be able to integrate with almost anything. The specifics of what this looks like will vary vastly depending on the exact API or library, and situation in which you're using them, but I'll provide examples for a few common cases here:

In the future, I may provide packages for common integrations.

Example: Canvas

// index.js
import { Application } from "fae";
import { CanvasRender } from "./CanvasRender.js";

const canvas = document.getElementById("canvas");
const app = new Application();

app.system.start(CanvasRender, canvas.getContext("2d"));
// CanvasRender.js
export const CanvasRender = {
  event: "draw",
  init: (app, ctx) => ctx, // Store the rendering context as system state.
  action(app, ctx) {
    // Emit a "render" event that other systems can listen for.
    app.event.emit("render", ctx);

    // Clear the canvas after every frame.
    ctx.clearRect(0, 0, ctx.canvas.width, ctx.canvas.height);

With this set up, we can now write systems that consume the render event and use the passed CanvasRenderingContext2D to do the actual drawing operations.

For example, we could have a DrawSprites system to render any entities who have a Sprite component, or a DrawColliders system for debugging collisions.

Example: Keyboard Input

Keyboard input has some surprising subtleties, detailed below. Consider Kaybee as a library to handle these for you.

// index.js
import { Application } from "fae";
import { KeyboardInput } from "./KeyboardInput.js";

const gameElement = document.getElementById("game");
const app = new Application();

app.system.start(KeyboardInput, gameElement);
// KeyboardInput.js
export const KeyboardInput = {
  init(app, element) {
    // Application state is used to keep a map of pressed keys, so that key
    // state can be queried from anywhere in the game.
    function initializeState() {
      app.state.kb = {
        keys: {},
        codes: {},

    function handleKeyDown({ key, code, repeat }) {
      app.state.kb.keys[key.toLowerCase()] = true;
      app.event.emit("keydown", { key: key.toLowerCase(), code, repeat });

    function handleKeyUp({ key, code }) {
      app.state.kb.keys[key.toLowerCase()] = false;
      app.event.emit("keyup", { key: key.toLowerCase(), code });

    element.addEventListener("keydown", handleKeyDown);
    element.addEventListener("keyup", handleKeyUp);

    // Reset all pressed keys if the game loses focus. This prevents "stuck"
    // keys if the user releases the key while the game isn't focused and thus
    // can't receive the "keyup" event.
    window.addEventListener("blur", initializeState);
    element.addEventListener("blur", initializeState);


You should also write an exit() function that cleans up these DOM event listeners, especially if your game runs in a page where the user may also do other things besides playing your game. I've omitted it here for brevity.

Note that the browser gives us the "printable representation" of the pressed key, including case. So "a" and "A" are two different keys. Seriously. This is why I used toLowerCase() to normalize key names. See key and code at MDN for more info.

Now we can easily query keyboard state in our other systems.

const KBMovementController = {
  event: "update",
  action(app, dt) {
    app.entity.get("KBControlled").forEach((e) => {
      if (app.state.kb.code["KeyA"]) {
        // Move left.

Or respond to key events.

const UIController = {
  event: "keydown",
  action(app, { key }) {
    if (key === "i") {
      // Open inventory.

Example: React

Coming soon.


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