1.0.22 • Published 6 years ago

faf-ionic v1.0.22

Weekly downloads
Last release
6 years ago

#dev notes

the master copy is at fafadmin/src/providers/faf/ including this readme

best guess at the package is at fafpackage2, including:

  • dependencies and files and in package.json
  • tsconfig.json


  • build script. THis should
    • tsc
    • up-issue version number
    • npm publish
  • resolve outdated packages
    • npm outdated
    • what version can i safely update to?
    • npm install --save ts-md5

demo project using the package is at fafpackageuser1

#Flikk Application Framework for Ionic projects

Use this in your ionic project to store and retrieve data from a cloud source

#Latest changes get now returns a FafRequest (with .items, just the items you have sent) log on token is saved in localStorage so if you refresh the app you stay logged in

#How to register as a FAF user and create a schema for your data Use the FafAdmin app to register your email and password Get a single-use token to register your schema

#How to use FAF in your project

Create an ionic project

ionic start myproject

cd myproject

npm install faf-ionic ionic-native ionic-storage --save ionic cordova platform add android ionic cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-file cordova-plugin-camera

EDIT APP.MODULE.TS in 4 places import { FafService } from 'faf-ionic/faf-service'; import { FafCache } from 'faf-ionic/faf-cache'; import { FafInterceptor } from 'faf-ionic/faf-interceptor'; import { FafImageComponent } from 'faf-ionic/faf-image-component'; import { HttpClientModule,HTTP_INTERCEPTORS } from '@angular/common/http'; import { IonicStorageModule } from '@ionic/storage';

declarations: [ FafImageComponent....

imports: ... IonicStorageModule.forRoot(), //new HttpClientModule providers: ... FafService, //these are new FafCache, //File, //Storage {provide: HTTP_INTERCEPTORS, useClass:FafInterceptor, multi:true},

export class AppModule { constructor(public fafService:FafService){ //fafService.APIURL = 'http://faf.co.uk/'; //if you don't do this you will use the default service at https://faf.azurewebsites.net fafService.defaultSchema = 'MySuperNewApp'; //if you don't do this you will be using the default 'demo' schema ...

##To list cats in a page

//new import { FafService } from 'faf-ionic/faf-service'; import { FafRequest } from 'faf-ionic/faf-objects';

@IonicPage() @Component({ selector: 'page-cats-list', templateUrl: 'cats-list.html', }) export class CatsListPage { cats = []; page = 1; page_count = null; lastNewCat = 0; nameFilter = null;

constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, private fafService:FafService //new ...


  let params = new FafRequest();   
  params.table = 'cats';
  params.page = this.page;
  params.page_items = 10;

    params.filters = 'row.name.match(/' + this.nameFilter + '/gi)';
          this.cats = data.rows;
          this.page = data.page;
          this.page_count = data.page_count;


  this.page += delta;
    this.page = 1;

ionViewDidLoad() {
  this.fafService.defaultSchema = "demo";
  console.log('ionViewDidLoad CatsListPage');


##To edit a new or existing cat

@IonicPage() @Component({ selector: 'page-cats-edit', templateUrl: 'cats-edit.html', }) export class CatsEditPage {

cat = null; originalCat = null;

constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public navParams: NavParams, public fafService:FafService) { this.originalCat = navParams.get('cat'); if(!this.originalCat){ this.cat = {name:null, color:null}; }else{ this.cat = FafService.cloneObject(this.originalCat); } }

onSave(){ this.fafService.post("cats",this.cat).subscribe(data=>{ FafService.cloneObject(data0,this.originalCat); this.navCtrl.pop(); }); }

ionViewDidLoad() { console.log('ionViewDidLoad CatsEditPage'); }


#How to log on to FAF

public register = function(){ this.fafService.presentRegisterDialog().subscribe(res=>{ this.fafService.presentToast('Thank you for registering'); },err=>{ this.fafService.presentToast('Sorry, faf could not register that account: ' + err); }); } public login = function(){ this.fafService.promptForLogin(); )

#How to select a file or take a picture with FAF



declare var cordova: any;

@Component({ selector: 'page-home', templateUrl: 'home.html' }) export class HomePage { public image1:string;

constructor(public navCtrl: NavController, public fafService: FafService, public fafFileService:FafFileService, private camera:Camera, public file: File) {

} public onSelectFile(e){ let el:any = document.getElementById('home-file-input'); let savedPath:string; let ffm:FafFileMetadata = new FafFileMetadata(); ffm.fafFileUrl = ${this.fafService.defaultSchema}/cats/${FafService.newGuid()}; this.fafFileService.saveFile(el.files0, ffm).subscribe((progress:string)=>{ //if(progress.url) savedPath = progress.url; //url is the part AFTER APIURL //if(progress.progress) this.fafService.presentToast(progress.progress.toString() + '%' ); },err=>{ console.log(err); },()=>{ this.fafService.presentToast("complete"); this.image1 = ffm.fafFileUrl; }); }

onTakePicture() { let me = this; let savedPath:string; if(typeof cordova == "undefined"){ this.fafService.presentToast("camera not available"); return; } if(cordova && this.camera){ const options: CameraOptions = { quality: 25, destinationType: this.camera.DestinationType.FILE_URI, sourceType: this.camera.PictureSourceType.CAMERA, encodingType: this.camera.EncodingType.JPEG, mediaType: this.camera.MediaType.PICTURE }

    this.camera.getPicture(options).then((imageData) => {
      let ffm:FafFileMetadata = new FafFileMetadata();
      ffm.fafFileUrl = `${this.fafService.defaultSchema}/cats/${FafService.newGuid()}`;

      this.fafFileService.uploadFileFromCameraUrl(imageData, ffm).subscribe((progress:FafFileProgress)=>{
        if(progress.url) savedPath = progress.url; //url is the part AFTER APIURL
        if(progress.progress) this.fafService.presentToast(progress.progress.toString() + '%' );      
        // this.image2 = `${this.fafService.APIURL}faf/file/${ffm.fafFileUrl}`;// + ' | secure';
        // console.log(this.image2);
        this.image1 = ffm.fafFileUrl;


    }, (err) => {
      // Handle error
      this.fafService.presentToast("Could not take photo. Please try again.");

  this.fafService.presentToast("Camera not available");
