1.1.0 • Published 1 year ago
fakedrop v1.1.0
FakeDrop (express CLI version)
A "drop-in" cross-platofrm AirDrop alternative.
What does it do?
FakeDrop allows devices connected to the same network to send files to the host machine.
It works as an Apple AirDrop alternative for cross-platform usage.
Just scan the QR code with your mobile device and send the files from your browser!
Run from Source
- clone the repository
- install the depencies
$ yarn
or$ npm install
- build the project
$ yarn build
or$ npm run build
- run
$ yarn start:prod
or$ npm run start:prod
- optional:
- install it globally
$ npm install -g
$ fakedrop
Via npm/npx
- install it globally
$ npm install fakedrop -g
- use it from CLI
$ fakedrop