0.1.0 • Published 6 years ago

fast-functionals v0.1.0

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Last release
6 years ago

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Super quick collection processing with functional programming.


Processing data with Array's map reduce filter and other high order functions is really handy, but super slow! This project aims at optimising that by introducing a hack - it injects your function bodies into a procedural loop and runs eval on it.


Node >=8.9.0 is required.

npm install --save fast-functionals

To perform tests use:

cd node_modules/fast-functionals
npm i
npm t

This project also has a benchmark that you can run yourself:

cd node_modules/fast-functionals
npm i
npm run benchmark


Beware this project is still in development. There may be serious bugs or performance issues over time.



The source is documented with JSDoc. To generate the documentation use:

npm run docs

Extra debugging information is printed using the debug module:

DEBUG=fast-functionals:* npm t

The documentation will be put in the new docs directory.

To introduce an improvement please fork this project, commit changes in a new branch to your fork and add a pull request on this repository pointing at your fork. Please follow these style recommendations when working on the code:

  • Use tabs (yup).
  • Use async/await and/or Promise where possible.
  • Features must be properly tested.
  • New methods must be properly documented with jscode style comments.