1.0.1 • Published 2 months ago
fast-mod-exp v1.0.1
Fast Mod Exp
Fast modular exponentiation function, for numbers and bigints.
npm install fast-mod-exp
This is equivalent to doing ( a ** b ) % n
, assuming bigints or infinite precision, but way faster in many cases.
import fme from 'fast-mod-exp';
{ // It works with numbers
const a = 123;
const b = 23;
const n = 531;
const result = fme ( a, b, n ); // => 171
{ // It works with bigints also
const a = 123n;
const b = 23n;
const n = 531n;
const result = fme ( a, b, n ); // => 171n
MIT © Fabio Spampinato