1.0.0 • Published 3 years ago

fastatus v1.0.0

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3 years ago

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What is fastatus?

fastatus (FastAPI Status) is an isomorphic helper library that provides an autocomplete friendly list of HTTP and Websocket status codes. It is modeled after the starlette.status module from python used by FastAPI.

My reason to release yet another http status code mapping package was for the specific names for the enumerated members. I wanted a package with both the number and the code name in the properties. This is the same raison d'être for starlette.status, and it really helps when it comes to editor support:

fastatus autocomplete in action


Install the fastatus package from npm using your favorite package manager.

$ pnpm add fastatus
$ yarn add fastatus
$ npm install fastatus


HTTP status codes are provided as an enum.

import status from "fastatus";

// => 426

// Reverse mappings are available

In addition to what's found in starlette.status, you can also get the IANA text description.

import { description } from "fastatus";
// => "HTTP Version Not Supported"

Status Codes

All assigned http status codes and websocket close codes are included. | Enum | Value | Description | | ------------------------------------------ | --------- | ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | | HTTP_100_CONTINUE | 100 | Continue | | HTTP_101_SWITCHING_PROTOCOLS | 101 | Switching Protocols | | HTTP_102_PROCESSING | 102 | Processing | | HTTP_103_EARLY_HINTS | 103 | Early Hints | | | 104-199 | Unassigned | | HTTP_200_OK | 200 | OK | | HTTP_201_CREATED | 201 | Created | | HTTP_202_ACCEPTED | 202 | Accepted | | HTTP_203_NON_AUTHORITATIVE_INFORMATION | 203 | Non-Authoritative Information | | HTTP_204_NO_CONTENT | 204 | No Content | | HTTP_205_RESET_CONTENT | 205 | Reset Content | | HTTP_206_PARTIAL_CONTENT | 206 | Partial Content | | HTTP_207_MULTI_STATUS | 207 | Multi-Status | | HTTP_208_ALREADY_REPORTED | 208 | Already Reported | | | 209-225 | Unassigned | | HTTP_226_IM_USED | 226 | IM Used | | | 227-299 | Unassigned | | HTTP_300_MULTIPLE_CHOICES | 300 | Multiple Choices | | HTTP_301_MOVED_PERMANENTLY | 301 | Moved Permanently | | HTTP_302_FOUND | 302 | Found | | HTTP_303_SEE_OTHER | 303 | See Other | | HTTP_304_NOT_MODIFIED | 304 | Not Modified | | HTTP_305_USE_PROXY | 305 | Use Proxy | | HTTP_306_RESERVED | 306 | (Unused) | | HTTP_307_TEMPORARY_REDIRECT | 307 | Temporary Redirect | | HTTP_308_PERMANENT_REDIRECT | 308 | Permanent Redirect | | | 309-399 | Unassigned | | HTTP_400_BAD_REQUEST | 400 | Bad Request | | HTTP_401_UNAUTHORIZED | 401 | Unauthorized | | HTTP_402_PAYMENT_REQUIRED | 402 | Payment Required | | HTTP_403_FORBIDDEN | 403 | Forbidden | | HTTP_404_NOT_FOUND | 404 | Not Found | | HTTP_405_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED | 405 | Method Not Allowed | | HTTP_406_NOT_ACCEPTABLE | 406 | Not Acceptable | | HTTP_407_PROXY_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED | 407 | Proxy Authentication Required | | HTTP_408_REQUEST_TIMEOUT | 408 | Request Timeout | | HTTP_409_CONFLICT | 409 | Conflict | | HTTP_410_GONE | 410 | Gone | | HTTP_411_LENGTH_REQUIRED | 411 | Length Required | | HTTP_412_PRECONDITION_FAILED | 412 | Precondition Failed | | HTTP_413_REQUEST_ENTITY_TOO_LARGE | 413 | Content Too Large | | HTTP_414_REQUEST_URI_TOO_LONG | 414 | URI Too Long | | HTTP_415_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE | 415 | Unsupported Media Type | | HTTP_416_REQUESTED_RANGE_NOT_SATISFIABLE | 416 | Range Not Satisfiable | | HTTP_417_EXPECTATION_FAILED | 417 | Expectation Failed | | HTTP_418_IM_A_TEAPOT | 418 | (Unused) | | | 419-420 | Unassigned | | HTTP_421_MISDIRECTED_REQUEST | 421 | Misdirected Request | | HTTP_422_UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY | 422 | Unprocessable Content | | HTTP_423_LOCKED | 423 | Locked | | HTTP_424_FAILED_DEPENDENCY | 424 | Failed Dependency | | HTTP_425_TOO_EARLY | 425 | Too Early | | HTTP_426_UPGRADE_REQUIRED | 426 | Upgrade Required | | | 427 | Unassigned | | HTTP_428_PRECONDITION_REQUIRED | 428 | Precondition Required | | HTTP_429_TOO_MANY_REQUESTS | 429 | Too Many Requests | | | 430 | Unassigned | | HTTP_431_REQUEST_HEADER_FIELDS_TOO_LARGE | 431 | Request Header Fields Too Large | | | 432-450 | Unassigned | | HTTP_451_UNAVAILABLE_FOR_LEGAL_REASONS | 451 | Unavailable For Legal Reasons | | | 452-499 | Unassigned | | HTTP_500_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR | 500 | Internal Server Error | | HTTP_501_NOT_IMPLEMENTED | 501 | Not Implemented | | HTTP_502_BAD_GATEWAY | 502 | Bad Gateway | | HTTP_503_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE | 503 | Service Unavailable | | HTTP_504_GATEWAY_TIMEOUT | 504 | Gateway Timeout | | HTTP_505_HTTP_VERSION_NOT_SUPPORTED | 505 | HTTP Version Not Supported | | HTTP_506_VARIANT_ALSO_NEGOTIATES | 506 | Variant Also Negotiates | | HTTP_507_INSUFFICIENT_STORAGE | 507 | Insufficient Storage | | HTTP_508_LOOP_DETECTED | 508 | Loop Detected | | | 509 | Unassigned | | HTTP_510_NOT_EXTENDED | 510 | Not Extended (OBSOLETED) | | HTTP_511_NETWORK_AUTHENTICATION_REQUIRED | 511 | Network Authentication Required | | | 512-599 | Unassigned | | WS_1000_NORMAL_CLOSURE | 1000 | Normal Closure | | WS_1001_GOING_AWAY | 1001 | Going Away | | WS_1002_PROTOCOL_ERROR | 1002 | Protocol error | | WS_1003_UNSUPPORTED_DATA | 1003 | Unsupported Data | | | 1004 | Reserved | | WS_1005_NO_STATUS_RCVD | 1005 | No Status Rcvd | | WS_1006_ABNORMAL_CLOSURE | 1006 | Abnormal Closure | | WS_1007_INVALID_FRAME_PAYLOAD_DATA | 1007 | Invalid frame payload data | | WS_1008_POLICY_VIOLATION | 1008 | Policy Violation | | WS_1009_MESSAGE_TOO_BIG | 1009 | Message Too Big | | WS_1010_MANDATORY_EXT | 1010 | Mandatory Ext. | | WS_1011_INTERNAL_ERROR | 1011 | Internal Error | | WS_1012_SERVICE_RESTART | 1012 | Service Restart | | WS_1013_TRY_AGAIN_LATER | 1013 | Try Again Later | | WS_1014_BAD_GATEWAY | 1014 | The server was acting as a gateway or proxy and received an invalid response from the upstream server | | WS_1015_TLS_HANDSHAKE | 1015 | TLS handshake | | | 1016-2999 | Unassigned | | | 3000 | Unauthorized | | | 3001-3999 | Unassigned | | | 4000-4999 | Reserved for Private Use |
