4.1.2 • Published 6 years ago

fastify-graphql-ctx v4.1.2

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6 years ago


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A plugin for Fastify that adds GraphQL and GraphiQL support.

This project was forked from fastify-graphql it provides additional middelware capabilities by allowing you access to fastify request and response to pass context to your graphql queries or mutations. See Context for resolvers example below


npm install --save fastify-graphql-ctx graphql


const Fastify = require('fastify');
const app = Fastify();

const {graphiqlFastify, graphqlFastify} = require('fastify-graphql-ctx');
app.register(graphqlFastify, { 
  prefix: '/graphql', 
  graphql: {
    schema: your_graphql_schema,
app.register(graphiqlFastify, {
  prefix: '/graphiql',
  graphiql: {
    endpointURL: '/graphql',


Both plugins need to be given a prefix, under which they will mount.

GraphQL settings extends GraphQLServerOptions

GraphiQL settings extends GraphiQLData

Context for resolvers

If you want to pass a request context to resolvers like following (eg: parse request header Bearer tokens to identify who has called the query)

const schema:`type Query{
  hello (name:String) :String,
const resolvers: {
  hello: (args, context)=>{
    console.log(args, context) 
    // args = name from query call; context = { user:{ id:1, name:'John' } }
    return 'hello '+args;

then implement a function to access fastify's req, res. The function will be called before graphQL and must returns GraphQLOptions object like following

   let payload = { user:{ id:1, name:'John' } }; //parsed from req.headers...
   return {
     schema: schema,
     rootValue: resolvers,
     context: payload 

provide graphQLOptionsFn in plugin register call. It will be executed synchronously to ensure execution before graphQL API

fastify.register(graphqlFastify, {
    prefix: "/graphql",
    graphql: graphQLOptionsFn