2.1.0 • Published 5 years ago

fastify-scaffold v2.1.0

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Last release
5 years ago


I write a fair number of web apps that use fastify (as a web server), marko (for templating), and lasso (for asset bundling).

I got sick of manually rigging all of those things together, so I wrote this simple CLI that will scaffold together a project with fastify, marko, and lasso, all configured to play nicely.

It's really just for me, but if you like it, cool.

What it does

fastify-scaffold makes a few folders:


If you're new to fastify I'd suggest becoming more familiar with it, particularly it's plugin-centric architecture.

fastify-scaffold will fastify.register(require()) every file that it finds in the /plugins directory. So you can really do anything in this folder, I tend to put a lot of routes in here.


fastify-scaffold doesn't do anything magical with this folder, but I put all of my marko templates and resources for specific pages here.


A home for marko components.


The entire /public folder is served at, you guessed it, /public. /public/assets is a great place for things like images or static JS libraries (jQuery, perhaps).


^ /public/static is where lasso outputs bundled resources, so this is a pretty important place.


First, you'll need to install the CLI.

git clone git@github.com:charlesread/fastify-scaffold.git
cd fastify-scaffold
npm i
npm link  # you may need to `sudo npm link` depending on how you've installed node

Now you're ready to make a project.

mkdir myProject
cd myProject
fastify-scaffold -r  # --runImmediately, optional

More to come.