0.0.5 • Published 1 year ago

fe-should-know v0.0.5

Weekly downloads
Last release
1 year ago

id: 2022-10-25

author: PengboUestc

to get the pkg info:

npx fs-should-know


packagestarsforksissuesrepositorydescriptionkeywordsdownload(avg of 1 month)
axios9742910008297repositoryPromise based HTTP client for the browser and node.jsxhr http ajax promise node5307812
lodash549956724457repositoryLodash modular utilities.modules stdlib util6818487
rxjs280242890281repositoryReactive Extensions for modern JavaScriptRx RxJS ReactiveX ReactiveExtensions Streams Observables Observable Stream ES6 ES20156232032
ramda225571453147repositoryA practical functional library for JavaScript programmers.ramda functional utils utilities toolkit fp tacit point-free curried pure fantasy-land1589642


packagestarsforksissuesrepositorydescriptionkeywordsdownload(avg of 1 month)
@babel/core416435499801repositoryBabel compiler core.6to5 babel classes const es6 harmony let modules transpile transpiler var babel-core compiler6610226
esbuild33958924347repositoryAn extremely fast JavaScript and CSS bundler and minifier.1457949
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packagestarsforksissuesrepositorydescriptionkeywordsdownload(avg of 1 month)
prettier4431436171103repositoryPrettier is an opinionated code formatter3863376
husky2818699124repositoryModern native Git hooks made easygit hooks pre-commit1216193
eslint217133946124repositoryAn AST-based pattern checker for JavaScript.ast lint javascript ecmascript espree4316841
dotenv1634181147repositoryLoads environment variables from .env filedotenv env .env environment variables config settings4361306
lint-staged11167405101repositoryLint files staged by gitlint git staged eslint prettier stylelint code quality check format validate928638
conventional-changelog6718670247repositoryGenerate a changelog from git metadataconventional-changelog conventional changelog log128888
cross-env59312571repositoryRun scripts that set and use environment variables across platformscross-environment environment variable windows770202
semver444545249repositoryThe semantic version parser used by npm.33720341
pre-commit186016774repositoryAutomatically install pre-commit hooks for your npm modules.git hooks npm pre-commit precommit run test development45222
simple-git-hooks7782111repositoryA simple, zero dependency tool for setting up git hooks for small projectspre-commit pre-push git hook lint linter10980
dotenv-expand7138615repositoryExpand environment variables using dotenvdotenv expand variables env .env1534069
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Cli tools

packagestarsforksissuesrepositorydescriptionkeywordsdownload(avg of 1 month)
chalk194407931repositoryTerminal string styling done rightcolor colour colors terminal console cli string ansi style styles tty formatting rgb 256 shell xterm log logging command-line text32560035
shelljs13579742101repositoryPortable Unix shell commands for Node.jsshelljs bash unix shell makefile make jake synchronous1164085
enquirer6798278190repositoryStylish, intuitive and user-friendly prompt system. Fast and lightweight enough for small projects, powerful and extensible enough for the most advanced use cases.answer answers ask base cli command command-line confirm enquirer generator generate hyper input inquire inquirer interface iterm javascript node nodejs prompt prompts promptly question readline scaffold scaffolding scaffolder stdin stdout terminal tty ui yeoman yo zsh2089121
execa500919329repositoryProcess execution for humansexec child process execute fork execfile spawn file shell bin binary binaries npm path local9311155
cac20039950repositorySimple yet powerful framework for building command-line apps.115632
commander1098680repositorythe complete solution for node.js command-line programscommander command option parser cli argument args argv15684696
picocolors796247repositoryThe tiniest and the fastest library for terminal output formatting with ANSI colorsterminal colors formatting cli console7715484
minimist6487repositoryparse argument optionsargv getopt parser optimist7934231
exec-sh5490repositoryExecute shell command forwarding all stdio.exec spawn terminal console shell command child_process1412510


packagestarsforksissuesrepositorydescriptionkeywordsdownload(avg of 1 month)
svelte633773097828repositoryCybernetically enhanced web appsUI framework templates templating1101830
vue338746115735repositoryThe progressive JavaScript framework for building modern web UI.vue562663
preact333531837229repositoryFast 3kb React-compatible Virtual DOM library.preact react ui user interface virtual dom vdom components dom diff front-end framework293127
lit13174676367repositoryA library for building fast, lightweight web components88279
omi124601247101repositoryFront End Cross-Frameworks Framework.omi webcomponents jsx preact react virtual dom vdom components virtual dom81
alpine1474repositoryAlpine - the Apache Log Parserapache mod_log log parser combined clf36
reactReact is a JavaScript library for building user interfaces.react2725430
@angular/coreAngular - the core framework476402
solid-jsA declarative JavaScript library for building user interfaces.solid solidjs ui reactive components compiler performance7475
@stencil/coreA Compiler for Web Components and Progressive Web Appsweb components components stencil ionic webapp custom elements pwa progressive web app72035
ember-sourceA JavaScript framework for creating ambitious web applicationsember-addon23036


packagestarsforksissuesrepositorydescriptionkeywordsdownload(avg of 1 month)
cypress4165226232801repositoryCypress is a next generation front end testing tool built for the modern webautomation browser cypress cypress.io e2e end-to-end integration component mocks runner spies stubs test testing663722
jest407866156987repositoryDelightful JavaScript Testing.ava babel coverage easy expect facebook immersive instant jasmine jest jsdom mocha mocking painless qunit runner sandboxed snapshot tap tape test testing typescript watch2839277
chai775570691repositoryBDD/TDD assertion library for node.js and the browser. Test framework agnostic.test assertion assert testing chai905736
vitest7042592185repositoryA blazing fast unit test framework powered by Vitevite vite-node vitest test jest98518
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puppeteerA high-level API to control headless Chrome over the DevTools Protocolpuppeteer chrome headless automation573649


packagestarsforksissuesrepositorydescriptionkeywordsdownload(avg of 1 month)
styled-components377882368141repositoryVisual primitives for the component age. Use the best bits of ES6 and CSS to style your apps without stressreact css css-in-js styled-components babel-macro babel-macros styling727091
postcss26923155519repositoryTool for transforming styles with JS pluginscss postcss rework preprocessor parser source map transform manipulation transpiler10992190
@emotion/styled157321048188repositorystyled API for emotion827825
cssnano430031376repositoryA modular minifier, built on top of the PostCSS ecosystem.css compress minify optimise optimisation postcss postcss-plugin1712212
sass333432676repositoryA pure JavaScript implementation of Sass.style scss sass preprocessor css1476186
lightningcss28438278repositoryA CSS parser, transformer, and minifier written in Rust10181
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tailwindcssA utility-first CSS framework for rapidly building custom user interfaces.678708


packagestarsforksissuesrepositorydescriptionkeywordsdownload(avg of 1 month)
express5900110010168repositoryFast, unopinionated, minimalist web frameworkexpress framework sinatra web http rest restful router app api4070736
koa33334323855repositoryKoa web app frameworkweb app http application framework middleware rack195064
nodemon24674168019repositorySimple monitor script for use during development of a Node.js app.cli monitor monitor development restart autoload reload terminal770537
connect957211474repositoryHigh performance middleware frameworkframework web middleware connect rack874762
viteNative-ESM powered web dev build tool327303
@nestjs/coreNest - modern, fast, powerful node.js web framework (@core)273076


packagestarsforksissuesrepositorydescriptionkeywordsdownload(avg of 1 month)
esbuild33958924347repositoryAn extremely fast JavaScript and CSS bundler and minifier.1457949
gulp32653439728repositoryThe streaming build system.build stream system make tool asset pipeline series parallel streaming213127
turbo17702982340repositoryTurborepo is a high-performance build system for JavaScript and TypeScript codebases.92876
webpackPacks CommonJs/AMD modules for the browser. Allows to split your codebase into multiple bundles, which can be loaded on demand. Support loaders to preprocess files, i.e. json, jsx, es7, css, less, ... and your custom stuff.4043595
viteNative-ESM powered web dev build tool327303
rollupNext-generation ES module bundlermodules bundler bundling es6 optimizer1490240


packagestarsforksissuesrepositorydescriptionkeywordsdownload(avg of 1 month)
astro22818107767repositoryAstro is a modern site builder with web best practices, performance, and DX front-of-mind.5835
remix209141648364repositoryA framework for building better websites2083
@builder.io/qwik13540568233repositoryAn Open-Source sub-framework designed with a focus on server-side-rendering, lazy-loading, and styling/animation.ssr server-side-render prerender ssg static-site-generator static-site generator website webapp framework Builder.io936
@11ty/eleventy13221423445repositoryTransform a directory of templates into HTML.static-site-generator static-site ssg documentation website jekyll blog templates generator framework eleventy 11ty html markdown liquid nunjucks pug handlebars mustache ejs haml7170
nuxt106621018475repository> The core of Nuxt 372723
nuxt106621018475repository> The core of Nuxt 372723
vitepress62161040163repositoryVite & Vue powered static site generatorvite vue vitepress3167
nextThe React Framework556721
gatsbyBlazing fast modern site generator for Reactblog generator jekyll markdown react ssg website127848
@docusaurus/coreEasy to Maintain Open Source Documentation Websitesreact static site generator webpack documentation websites open source docusaurus31285

1 year ago


1 year ago


1 year ago