1.0.9 • Published 2 years ago

feasb v1.0.9

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2 years ago

feasb - Front End As Should Be

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feasb is acrinym for Front-End As Should Be.

It is ultra-small JS package (~7KB) developed in TypeScript that enables you writing and composing views (components) for your TypeScript front-end application.

If you are stucked and unhappy with action / dispacher / store / reducer / view and all other artifacts came from React / Flux / Redux world take a look on the code bellow.

export class HomeView extends UiComponent{
    @UiElement() protected spanNumberOfCliks: HTMLSpanElement;
    @UiElement() protected btnInc: HTMLButtonElement;

    protected count = 0;

    protected render(): string {
        return /*html*/`<div>
                            Number of clicks: <span data-uid="spanNumberOfCliks">0</span>
                            <button data-uid="btnInc" data-event-on-click="btnIncClicked">Inc</button>

    protected btnIncClicked(e?: Event){
        this.spanNumberOfCliks.innerText = `${++this.count}`;


As simple as that.

I belive that most of readers understands very easy what this code does but let's go step by step.

  • It creates DIV element that holds one button and label "Number of clicks"
  • If button is clicked btnIncClicked() method will increment counter and update this information


To install this package use the following command with npm.

npm install --save feasb

Making the view

View is a peace of UI that should be represented with class that should extend UiComponent class.

In order to start create a file named HomeView.ts and add the following code.

import {UiComponent} from 'feasb/ui/UiComponent';

export class HomeView extends UiComponent{
    protected render(): string {
        return `<div>Hello world</div>`;

Congratulations! This is your first view.

UiComponent is abstract class that if inherited requires implementation of method render(). This method should return string representing html element that describes your view.

In order to put it on your host page create a file named index.ts and insert the code bellow.

import { HomeView } from "HomeView";

window.onload = () => {
    new HomeView().inject(document.getElementById("app"));

To make it working your html host page should have an element with id attribute set to app. This element will be a container for the view you just created.

Example host page is bellow.

<!doctype html>
    <title>Sample app</title>

        <div id="app"></div>

Adding interaction

The example just show should only display Hello world message. There are no ui elements that user can interact to.

Instead of that let's create a view containg button and label that display number of clicks. Once clicked the number of clicks will be increased and shown on the label.

Step 1 - Redefine render() method

import {UiComponent} from 'feasb/ui/UiComponent';

export class HomeView extends UiComponent{
    protected render(): string {
        return `<div>
                    Number of clicks: <span>0</span>

Step 2 - Identify UI elements that you want to access

If you have a need to access a certain element from your view you should add data-uid attribute. In our case we will work with button and span.

Let's give this elemnets data-uid values.

import {UiComponent} from 'feasb/ui/UiComponent';
import {UiElement} from "feasb/decorators/UiElementDecorator";

export class HomeView extends UiComponent{
    @UiElement() protected spanNumberOfCliks: HTMLSpanElement;
    @UiElement() protected btnInc: HTMLButtonElement;

    protected render(): string {
        return `<div>
                    Number of clicks: <span data-uid="spanNumberOfCliks">0</span>
                    <button data-uid="btnInc">Inc</button>

Now whenever you need to work something with button that you specify in your view you can use this.btnInc in your code. For example you can change the text of your button with the following code.

this.btnInc.innerText = 'Click me';

You should spot annotation @UiElement() near property declaration. If you do not want to use it the code would require to initilize each of elements in your constructor.

For example if you remove @UiElement() annotation at begining of @UiElement() protected btnInc: HTMLButtonElement; line you will need to add the following code in constructor in order to accees identfied elements.

protected btnInc: HTMLButtonElement;

    this.btnInc = this.findUiElement("btnInc");

The code above is looking for element with attribute data-uid set to btnInc and creates an instance of HTMLButtonElement class which is exactly what annotation @UiElement() does automaticaly.

Step 3 - handle events

If you need to handle any kind of events you should sett value for data-on-{EVENT_NAME} attribite. {EVENT_NAME} should be replaced with concrete event name. For instance for click click you need data-on-click event. For change data-on-change and so on.

Let's update our view.

import {UiComponent} from 'feasb/ui/UiComponent';
import {UiElement} from "feasb/decorators/UiElementDecorator";
import {UiBinder} from "feasb/decorators/UiBinderDecorator";

export class HomeView extends UiComponent{
    @UiElement() protected spanNumberOfCliks: HTMLSpanElement;
    @UiElement() protected btnInc: HTMLButtonElement;

    protected count = 0;

    protected render(): string {
        return /*html*/`<div>
                            Number of clicks: <span data-uid="spanNumberOfCliks">0</span>
                            <button data-uid="btnInc" data-event-on-click="btnIncClicked">Inc</button>

    protected btnIncClicked(e?: Event){
        this.spanNumberOfCliks.innerText = `${++this.count}`;


First we created a method btnIncClicked(e?: Event) that will handle button clicks.

Then you should spot that we added data-event-on-click attribute to our button and set the value as name of method that we want to delegate once event occure. In our case this value should be btnIncClicked.

The last step is @UiBinder anotation on above class declaration. This annotation will bind all events to methods as you scpecify in data-on-{EVENT_NAME} attribute.

If you want to avoid usage of @UiBinder you can always add event handler on the following way.

    this.btnInc = this.findUiElement("btnInc");
    this.btnInc.onclick = (e) => {

Composing components

If you want to put component inside of your component you can do it easily by invoking the same inject() method with parameter of your element that will be a holder (container).

import { UiBinder } from "../../src/decorators/UiBinderDecorator";
import { UiElement } from "../../src/decorators/UiElementDecorator";
import { UiComponent } from "../../src/ui/UiComponent";
import { ChildView } from "./ChildView";

export class ParentChildView extends UiComponent{
    @UiElement() protected divContainer:HTMLDivElement;

    protected render(): string {
        return /*html*/`<div>
            <h2>I am parent</h2>
                <small>Bellow is container for children views</small>
                <div data-uid="divContainer"></div>

        new ChildView().inject(this.divContainer);

The crucial part of code is the following.

new ChildView().inject(this.divContainer);

It will inject instance of ChildView that extends UiComponent inside of element defined as divContainer. Note that divContainer is an element with value of data-uid attribute set to "divContainer".

Inject multiple components into the same container

So far we used inject() method to replace innerHTML content of given html element. If you like to append component instead add true as a secound argument.

new ChildView().inject(document.getElemenetById("app"), true);

If you execute code above multiple times you will get the number of ChildView instances as much as number of times it is executed.

Raising event from child copmponent

Child component can raise event which can be handled by parent component. To do so parent component should add event handler by calling addUiComponentEventHandler() method as shown bellow.

this.rv.addUiComponentEventHandler((eventName, value) => {
    //implement event           

Method addUiComponentEventHandler() expects functional interface with two arguments:

  1. eventName - string explaining which event just occured
  2. value - optional if event has to transfer some value when occurs

On the other side child component that raise event should call addUiComponentEventHandler() functional interface method with parameters eventName and optional value, Code bellow illustrated an example of such call.

if (this.uiComponentEventHandler){
    this.uiComponentEventHandler("BUTTON-CHILD-CLICKED", new Date());

Example code

Code of example above together with all other exmples is located in repo.

Instruction on how to build example check here.


2 years ago


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