0.0.6 • Published 5 years ago

feeder-react-feedback v0.0.6

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Feeder: feeder-react-feedback

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Embeddable Feedback React component hooked up to an admin dashboard. The fastest way to start collecting feedback across your React projects! ⚡

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  • Collect Feedback: Collect and view feedback for across your react projects in a sortable data table
  • Customize Freely: Match the component to your project's style guide and color scheme (see props for more information)
  • Share Projects: Add unlimited collaborators to projects
  • Export your Data: Export project-specific feedback to CSV

Install via NPM

npm install feeder-react-feedback


If you want the Feedback trigger to be included on every page, add the <Feedback/> component to your Layout/Wrapper/Global App component.

Alternatively, if you want the Feedback trigger to be included on certain pages, embed the <Feedback/> component in that specific page.

import Feedback from "feeder-react-feedback"; // import Feedback component
import "feeder-react-feedback/dist/feeder-react-feedback.css"; // import stylesheet

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    // See all customizable props below
    return <Feedback projectId="PROJECT_ID_FROM_ADMIN_APP" />;

After importing the component, create an Account/Project on the admin dashboard and pass in your project's projectId as a prop to the Feedback component.


projectIdUnique project id from admin appstringyesnull
emailWhether email input field is includedbooleannofalse
emailRequiredWhether email input field, if included, is requiredbooleannofalse
emailDefaultValueDefault value for email input fieldstringnonull
feedbackTypesSpecify exactly 2 or 3 custom feedback typesarray of stringsno"general", "bug", "idea"
hoverBorderColorHover, active and focus border color (inputs, button) - can accept any value that is valid for the CSS3 color property (hex, rgba, etc.)stringno"#000000"
postSubmitButtonMsgSubmit button text after submissionstringno"Thanks!"
projectNameProject's top-level namestringnonull
primaryColorPrimary color (header, buttons, trigger) - can accept any value that is valid for the CSS3 color property (hex, rgba, etc.)stringno"#ffffff"
submitButtonMsgSubmit button textstringno"Send Feedback"
subProjectProject within top-level projectstringnonull
textColorText color - can accept any value that is valid for the CSS3 color property (hex, rgba, etc.)stringno"#000000"
zIndexz-index of Modal and Trigger Buttonstringno"100000000"


What is the Admin Dashboard?

The admin dashboard is where all the feedback for each project is collected. Each project has a unique id that is passed as a prop to the <Feedback/> component.

You can add collaborators to each project as well, which will give them the ability to view all the feedback for a given project. The admin dashboard also allows users to export all project-specific data to CSV.

Will this work with SSR React frameworks?

If you are using SSR React frameworks such as Gatsby or Next, you may run into something similar to the following error:

WebpackError: ReferenceError: document is not defined

During SSR builds, there is no window or document object (which exists in the browser). For now, your best bet is to use a lightweight package such as loadable-components, which will dynamically load the module on the client side (and not during SSR).

import loadable from "@loadable/component"; // npm install @loadable/component
const Feedback = loadable(() => import("feeder-react-feedback/dist/Feedback")); // dynamically load Feedback component
import "feeder-react-feedback/dist/feeder-react-feedback.css"; // import stylesheet

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return <Feedback projectId="PROJECT_ID_FROM_ADMIN_APP" />;


Default Email Value

While it is possible to specify the inclusion of an email input field, you can set a default value for the email address while hiding the input field, thereby reducing user effort. This is especially relevent if/when you have access to an authenticated user's email in a global store such as Redux or the Context API.

class App extends Component {
  render() {
    return (


If you want to embed the Feedback component on multiple pages in the same web app/website but be able to distinguish between which page you are on, consider setting the subProject prop. That way, you can use a single top-level project name instead of creating different projects for each page you want to include the Feedback component on.

class ExampleComponentA extends Component {
  render() {
    return <Feedback subProject="Project A" projectId="SAME_PROJECT_ID" />;

class ExampleComponentB extends Component {
  render() {
    return <Feedback subProject="Project B" projectId="SAME_PROJECT_ID" />;

5 years ago


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5 years ago